Holy crap, this week went by fast. But anyway, this week I give you a Hermione/Snape fic, and a rather famous one at that. You may have heard of it--it's called Pet Project.
With over 7000 reviews, I'd say it qualifies as one of the best Sevione fics ever. But it's rated M, so there's some sexual stuff down the road. Not too close to the beginning, though. There's 45 chapters so far, and they're pretty long chapters.
Both Hermione and Snape (as well as Ron and others) are excellently kept in character, and it really makes Snape and Hermione seem like a very possible couple. If you like this pairing, you'll love this fic. If you don't like the pairing, then maybe this'll be the fic that makes you change your mind.
Avada Kedavra!
You end up in Limbo, which is in the form of a computer screen, and you're greeted by this link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2290003/1/Pet_Project
Friday, September 30, 2011
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Snape Quote of the Week #32
Professor Quirrell, in his absurd turban, was talking to a teacher with greasy black hair, a hooked nose, and sallow skin.
It happened very suddenly. The hook-nosed teacher looked past Quirrell's turban straight into Harry's eyes--and a sharp, hot pain shot across the scar on Harry's forehead.
"Ouch!" Harry clapped a hand to his head.
"What is it?" asked Percy.
The pain had gone as quickly as it had come. Harder to shake off was the feeling Harry had gotten from the teacher's look--a feeling that he didn't like Harry at all.
"Who's that teacher talking to Professor Quirrell?" he asked Percy.
"Oh, you know Quirrell already, do you? No wonder he's looking so nervous, that's Professor Snape. He teaches Potions, but he doesn't want to--everyone knows he's after Quirrell's job. Knows an awful lot about the Dark Arts, Snape."
Harry watched Snape for a while, but Snape didn't look at him again.
~Philosopher's Stone, Ch. 7 "The Sorting Hat"
Okay, so technically this is the first time we're introduced to Snape. He doesn't actually speak, but when you go back and re-read the series, you see a lot more meaning in it.
First, though, I'd like to know how Harry can tell that Snape's hair is greasy from across the Great Hall. For Harry to be close enough to see that Snape's hair is shiny (among other things that would tell you a person's hair is greasy) and deduce that it's also greasy, he'd have to be no less than twenty feet away. I don't think his seat at the Gryffindor table would be that close to the Staff Table.
Then, of course, this is the first time Snape's ever actually seen Harry in his years of teaching and waiting for the boy to come to Hogwarts so he could protect him. Snape's heart must have stopped when he saw how extraordinarily he looked like his father, and yet still had Lily's eyes. And right there, Snape looks at Harry's eyes, and he's probably struggling hard not to stare at them forever, because they're Lily's eyes, which he hasn't seen in at least thirteen years.
It sucks that Snape has to be portrayed as a potentially bad character so early on. :/
It happened very suddenly. The hook-nosed teacher looked past Quirrell's turban straight into Harry's eyes--and a sharp, hot pain shot across the scar on Harry's forehead.
"Ouch!" Harry clapped a hand to his head.
"What is it?" asked Percy.
The pain had gone as quickly as it had come. Harder to shake off was the feeling Harry had gotten from the teacher's look--a feeling that he didn't like Harry at all.
"Who's that teacher talking to Professor Quirrell?" he asked Percy.
"Oh, you know Quirrell already, do you? No wonder he's looking so nervous, that's Professor Snape. He teaches Potions, but he doesn't want to--everyone knows he's after Quirrell's job. Knows an awful lot about the Dark Arts, Snape."
Harry watched Snape for a while, but Snape didn't look at him again.
~Philosopher's Stone, Ch. 7 "The Sorting Hat"
Okay, so technically this is the first time we're introduced to Snape. He doesn't actually speak, but when you go back and re-read the series, you see a lot more meaning in it.
First, though, I'd like to know how Harry can tell that Snape's hair is greasy from across the Great Hall. For Harry to be close enough to see that Snape's hair is shiny (among other things that would tell you a person's hair is greasy) and deduce that it's also greasy, he'd have to be no less than twenty feet away. I don't think his seat at the Gryffindor table would be that close to the Staff Table.
Then, of course, this is the first time Snape's ever actually seen Harry in his years of teaching and waiting for the boy to come to Hogwarts so he could protect him. Snape's heart must have stopped when he saw how extraordinarily he looked like his father, and yet still had Lily's eyes. And right there, Snape looks at Harry's eyes, and he's probably struggling hard not to stare at them forever, because they're Lily's eyes, which he hasn't seen in at least thirteen years.
It sucks that Snape has to be portrayed as a potentially bad character so early on. :/
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Snape Video of the Week #32
Snape - The Remus Lupins
Even though this song is a totally 'I Hate Snape' song, I like it and it's pretty catchy. It's one of The Remus Lupin's only two songs about Snape, the other one being 'The Fate of Severus Snape,' which I don't like. Besides, this was written before the last book came out, so I can't really blame him or anyone else for not trusting Snape then, even though I did.
Also, sorry there's no lyrics, but I couldn't find a lyrics video for this song.
Even though this song is a totally 'I Hate Snape' song, I like it and it's pretty catchy. It's one of The Remus Lupin's only two songs about Snape, the other one being 'The Fate of Severus Snape,' which I don't like. Besides, this was written before the last book came out, so I can't really blame him or anyone else for not trusting Snape then, even though I did.
Also, sorry there's no lyrics, but I couldn't find a lyrics video for this song.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Weekly Snape-ly Event #32
No particularly Snapey stuff today, but I have a bit of Alan Rickman news. The Song of Lunch, which was a short made-for-tv film Alan starred in will be airing on PBS on November 13. This is apparently exciting because it's never been aired except on BBC before. But it was on Youtube for a while before it got taken down, and you can still watch it on movie sites, so it's not as big a deal for me. But it's all that I could find, so here's the link to the article: http://www.britscene.com/2011/09/alan-rickman-emma-thompson-star-song-of-lunch-coming-pbs-november-take-sneak-peak/28365
One more thing, but it's only HP related. There's an Anglo fan favorites poll for women, and the four in the semi-finals are all HP women. It's Emma Watson v. J.K. Rowling and Helena Bonham Carter v. Maggie Smith. It's a pretty hard choice, but I definitely voted for J.K. Rowling in the first one. I mean, without her, Emma wouldn't even be famous in the first place! http://blogs.bbcamerica.com/anglophenia/2011/09/23/vote-for-the-anglo-fan-favorites-women-of-2011-a-very-harry-potter-semis/
One more thing, but it's only HP related. There's an Anglo fan favorites poll for women, and the four in the semi-finals are all HP women. It's Emma Watson v. J.K. Rowling and Helena Bonham Carter v. Maggie Smith. It's a pretty hard choice, but I definitely voted for J.K. Rowling in the first one. I mean, without her, Emma wouldn't even be famous in the first place! http://blogs.bbcamerica.com/anglophenia/2011/09/23/vote-for-the-anglo-fan-favorites-women-of-2011-a-very-harry-potter-semis/
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Snape Picture of the Week #32
I saw this and just had to post it... I absolutely love the idea of Snape having a daughter, and him taking her to King's Cross... I mean, just look at him, the way he's standing and looking down at her...
Although, I would like this more if his daughter in the picture didn't look like she was spoiled. And I want to know why the heck she has an umbrella. But other than that, I love the picture.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Snape Poem #4
Shakespeare's Sonnet 130
My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun;
Coral is far more red than her lips' red;
If snow be white, why then her breasts are dun;
If hairs be wires, black wires grow on her head.
I have seen roses damask'd, red and white,
But no such roses see I in her cheeks;
And in some perfumes is there more delight
Than in the breath that from my mistress reeks.
I love to hear her speak, yet well I know
That music hath a far more pleasing sound;
I grant I never saw a goddess go;
My mistress, when she walks, treads on the ground:
And yet, by heaven, I think my love as rare
As any she belied with false compare.
I thought I'd do this one this week, because Alan Rickman actually recited this poem for a CD of British actors doing Shakespeare's sonnets. Basically this poem is saying that he's not going to lie to himself and say that the woman he loves is perfect, but that doesn't matter because he loves all her imperfections. With that, it's making fun of all the other love poems of that time that would say how perfect their woman was.
A lot of people would say that this is the exact opposite of Snape's feelings toward Lily, since he would say that Lily is the most perfect thing to walk the Earth, but I wouldn't say that's necessarily true all the time. Snape probably admits to himself that Lily was stubborn, unforgiving, and annoyingly cheerful at times, but he loves her anyway.
Plus, I also think this fits very well with how I feel about Snape. People ask me why I like him, even though he was the true hero of the story. Well, yes, I know he made a lot of mistakes. I know that he only switched sides for Lily and would never have done it otherwise. I know he was cruel to Harry and the other students and it couldn't always be justified. But despite his flaws, I still love him. Everyone has flaws, and Snape just has a lot of them.
My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun;
Coral is far more red than her lips' red;
If snow be white, why then her breasts are dun;
If hairs be wires, black wires grow on her head.
I have seen roses damask'd, red and white,
But no such roses see I in her cheeks;
And in some perfumes is there more delight
Than in the breath that from my mistress reeks.
I love to hear her speak, yet well I know
That music hath a far more pleasing sound;
I grant I never saw a goddess go;
My mistress, when she walks, treads on the ground:
And yet, by heaven, I think my love as rare
As any she belied with false compare.
I thought I'd do this one this week, because Alan Rickman actually recited this poem for a CD of British actors doing Shakespeare's sonnets. Basically this poem is saying that he's not going to lie to himself and say that the woman he loves is perfect, but that doesn't matter because he loves all her imperfections. With that, it's making fun of all the other love poems of that time that would say how perfect their woman was.
A lot of people would say that this is the exact opposite of Snape's feelings toward Lily, since he would say that Lily is the most perfect thing to walk the Earth, but I wouldn't say that's necessarily true all the time. Snape probably admits to himself that Lily was stubborn, unforgiving, and annoyingly cheerful at times, but he loves her anyway.
Plus, I also think this fits very well with how I feel about Snape. People ask me why I like him, even though he was the true hero of the story. Well, yes, I know he made a lot of mistakes. I know that he only switched sides for Lily and would never have done it otherwise. I know he was cruel to Harry and the other students and it couldn't always be justified. But despite his flaws, I still love him. Everyone has flaws, and Snape just has a lot of them.
Friday, September 23, 2011
Fanfiction Friday #32
I'm really tired, so tonight's post won't have much flowery stuff. And I'm sorry for that. But I'll just be getting straight to the point.
My recommendation for this week is An Imperfect Dark Magic, which is a Snape/OC Romance fic, and rated T. I've been reading a lot of Snape/OCs lately, and I really like them. What I especially like in them is the creativity of the OC, and how awesome the stories usually are when the OC isn't a Mary Sue. The girl in this one has very much personality, including many flaws, so you won't be disappointed.
There's 18 chapters so far (and they're short chapters), and it's a WIP. The last update was a month ago, but I'm sure the author'll update soon.
I recommend this fic especially because it's very different than other Snape/OC stories, especially in that the girl isn't really one to 'bring him to the light side'. I've noticed that a lot of OCs are good and hardly have bad intentions, and that bothers me because I think the perfect girl for Snape would have a dark side, and a big one too.
"He looks like he's going ter be sick!"
You cough once--twice--and you cough up--no, not the Snitch, but this link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5655144/1/An_Imperfect_Dark_Magic
My recommendation for this week is An Imperfect Dark Magic, which is a Snape/OC Romance fic, and rated T. I've been reading a lot of Snape/OCs lately, and I really like them. What I especially like in them is the creativity of the OC, and how awesome the stories usually are when the OC isn't a Mary Sue. The girl in this one has very much personality, including many flaws, so you won't be disappointed.
There's 18 chapters so far (and they're short chapters), and it's a WIP. The last update was a month ago, but I'm sure the author'll update soon.
I recommend this fic especially because it's very different than other Snape/OC stories, especially in that the girl isn't really one to 'bring him to the light side'. I've noticed that a lot of OCs are good and hardly have bad intentions, and that bothers me because I think the perfect girl for Snape would have a dark side, and a big one too.
"He looks like he's going ter be sick!"
You cough once--twice--and you cough up--no, not the Snitch, but this link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5655144/1/An_Imperfect_Dark_Magic
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Snape Quote of the Week #31
"You wanted to see me, Headmistress?" said Snape, looking around at all the pairs of struggling students with an expression of complete indifference.
"Ah, Professor Snape," said Umbridge, smiling widely and standing up again. "Yes, I would like another bottle of Veritaserum, as quick as you can, please."
"You took my last bottle to interrogete Potter," he said, observing her coolly through his greasy curtains of black hair. "Surely you did not use it all? I told you that three drops would be sufficient."
Umbridge flushed.
"You can make some more, can't you?" she said, her voice becoming more sweetly girlish as it always did when she was furious.
"Certainly," said Snape, his lip curling. "It takes a full moon cycle to mature, so I should have it ready for you in about a month."
"A month?" squawked Umbridge, swelling toadishly. "A month? But I need it this evening, Snape! I have just found Potter using my fire to communicate with a person or persons unknown!"
"Really?" said Snape, showing his first, faint sign of interest as he looked around at Harry. "Well, it doesn't surprise me. Potter has never shown much inclination to follow school rules."
His cold, dark eyes were boring into Harry's, who met his gaze unflinchingly, concentrating hard on what he had seen in his dream, willing Snape to read it in his mind, to understand...
"I wish to interrogate him!" shouted Umbridge angrily, and Snape looked away from Harry back into her furiously quivering face. "I wish you to provide me with a potion that will force him to tell the truth!"
"I have already told you," said Snape smoothly, "that I have no further stocks of Veritaserum. Unless you wish to poison Potter--and I assure you I would have the greatest sympathy with you if you did--I cannot help you. The only trouble is that most venoms act too fast to give the victim much time for truth-telling...."
~Order of the Phoenix, Ch. 32 "Out of the Fire"
I love how, even in the most serious of situations, Snape can still make sarcastic remarks like that. If it weren't for the whole 'not wanting to get on Umbridge's bad side' thing, he'd have been pwning her the entire book. God, Umbridge, don't you know tha Veritaserum is rare? It's not like you can just order it like it's a toy that comes with a Happy Meal...
But he does really stick it to her several times here. It's scenes like this that, while I'm reading it, make me squee and want to kiss the page (which I'll do if I'm not reading in public). Snape is just the embodiment of badassery.
"Ah, Professor Snape," said Umbridge, smiling widely and standing up again. "Yes, I would like another bottle of Veritaserum, as quick as you can, please."
"You took my last bottle to interrogete Potter," he said, observing her coolly through his greasy curtains of black hair. "Surely you did not use it all? I told you that three drops would be sufficient."
Umbridge flushed.
"You can make some more, can't you?" she said, her voice becoming more sweetly girlish as it always did when she was furious.
"Certainly," said Snape, his lip curling. "It takes a full moon cycle to mature, so I should have it ready for you in about a month."
"A month?" squawked Umbridge, swelling toadishly. "A month? But I need it this evening, Snape! I have just found Potter using my fire to communicate with a person or persons unknown!"
"Really?" said Snape, showing his first, faint sign of interest as he looked around at Harry. "Well, it doesn't surprise me. Potter has never shown much inclination to follow school rules."
His cold, dark eyes were boring into Harry's, who met his gaze unflinchingly, concentrating hard on what he had seen in his dream, willing Snape to read it in his mind, to understand...
"I wish to interrogate him!" shouted Umbridge angrily, and Snape looked away from Harry back into her furiously quivering face. "I wish you to provide me with a potion that will force him to tell the truth!"
"I have already told you," said Snape smoothly, "that I have no further stocks of Veritaserum. Unless you wish to poison Potter--and I assure you I would have the greatest sympathy with you if you did--I cannot help you. The only trouble is that most venoms act too fast to give the victim much time for truth-telling...."
~Order of the Phoenix, Ch. 32 "Out of the Fire"
I love how, even in the most serious of situations, Snape can still make sarcastic remarks like that. If it weren't for the whole 'not wanting to get on Umbridge's bad side' thing, he'd have been pwning her the entire book. God, Umbridge, don't you know tha Veritaserum is rare? It's not like you can just order it like it's a toy that comes with a Happy Meal...
But he does really stick it to her several times here. It's scenes like this that, while I'm reading it, make me squee and want to kiss the page (which I'll do if I'm not reading in public). Snape is just the embodiment of badassery.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Snape Video of the Week #31
Like Snape
This is my favorite song from Potter Puppet Pals, though it ties with Mysterious Ticking Noise. It's not from any episode, but it was in Yule Ball 2007 (I think). And I didn't want to give you guys a stupid lyric video, so I found a good music video for it.
Just like Snape's button poem from 'Snape's Diary,' this song makes me want to laugh and cry at the same time. It's just so accurate in both a funny and sad way. And what's especially sad/funny is the monologue that comes before it in Yule Ball 2007, which is: "Have you ever had a bad day? ...Have you ever felt depressed? Like the forces of the Universe were forging together with the sole purpose of making your life miserable? If you feel like that every day of your life, you must be like... Snape."
And then after the song, Harry and Ron attack Snape by repeatedly pushing him to the ground and going "Bother bother bother bother bother bother bother bother bother bother bother bother bother bother bother bother bother!" Which, yet again, makes me both want to laugh and cry.
This is my favorite song from Potter Puppet Pals, though it ties with Mysterious Ticking Noise. It's not from any episode, but it was in Yule Ball 2007 (I think). And I didn't want to give you guys a stupid lyric video, so I found a good music video for it.
Just like Snape's button poem from 'Snape's Diary,' this song makes me want to laugh and cry at the same time. It's just so accurate in both a funny and sad way. And what's especially sad/funny is the monologue that comes before it in Yule Ball 2007, which is: "Have you ever had a bad day? ...Have you ever felt depressed? Like the forces of the Universe were forging together with the sole purpose of making your life miserable? If you feel like that every day of your life, you must be like... Snape."
And then after the song, Harry and Ron attack Snape by repeatedly pushing him to the ground and going "Bother bother bother bother bother bother bother bother bother bother bother bother bother bother bother bother bother!" Which, yet again, makes me both want to laugh and cry.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Weekly Snape-ly Event #31
I am very sorry to say that nothing significant has happened in the past week that has anything to do with Snape or Alan Rickman. So, this post is really for nothing, but I figured I ought to give you something. I have Snape news that involves me and mostly me.
If any of you care about RPG worlds, in FormerMiM, Snape is engaged to Professor Sinistra now. My character was distraught... And it led to her getting drunk, her friends trying to comfort her, and then her trying to get them to leave her alone. She hexed one of them and it led to the other girl getting badly hurt, so then she got revenge on my character, who ended up being Apparated to St. Mungo's by Snape. That's all that's happened so far.
And of course, you all know that I've ordered four Snape shirts. They haven't come in the mail yet, though.
This last bit isn't really news, but I suppose I can share it with you anyway. If you like my other Facebook page you might have seen this already. So, I was thinking about Snape in swim trunks, and that led to a fantasy about me and Snape swimming in the Hogwarts Lake, and naturally, that fantasy progressed to us snogging in the lake. But then, I figured that it would be hard to snog while swimming, so Snape or I would come up with the ingenious idea of putting a Bubble-Head Charm on both of us. And that got me thinking whether it's even possible to cast a single Bubble-Head Charm on two people... If it's not, it should be.
If any of you care about RPG worlds, in FormerMiM, Snape is engaged to Professor Sinistra now. My character was distraught... And it led to her getting drunk, her friends trying to comfort her, and then her trying to get them to leave her alone. She hexed one of them and it led to the other girl getting badly hurt, so then she got revenge on my character, who ended up being Apparated to St. Mungo's by Snape. That's all that's happened so far.
And of course, you all know that I've ordered four Snape shirts. They haven't come in the mail yet, though.
This last bit isn't really news, but I suppose I can share it with you anyway. If you like my other Facebook page you might have seen this already. So, I was thinking about Snape in swim trunks, and that led to a fantasy about me and Snape swimming in the Hogwarts Lake, and naturally, that fantasy progressed to us snogging in the lake. But then, I figured that it would be hard to snog while swimming, so Snape or I would come up with the ingenious idea of putting a Bubble-Head Charm on both of us. And that got me thinking whether it's even possible to cast a single Bubble-Head Charm on two people... If it's not, it should be.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Snape Picture of the Week #31

I'm posting this picture neither for sexiness, sadness, hilarity, nor epicness--I'm posting it because it is just a perfect drawing of Snape. I mean, just the slightly creepy way he's smiling, and the look in his eyes, and the way he's folding his arms... Okay, so maybe it's sort of for sexiness. But that's because any picture of Snape is sexy by default.
So yeah, I'm sharing this for accuracy. And I suppose you could say it's so accurate that it's epic.
Oh--and obviously, I didn't draw it. I found it on DeviantArt, and I edited out some parts. It was supposed to be the cover for a Japanese Snarry fic, and so the title and subtitle really wouldn't make sense to you guys. But I just wanted to share the picture.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Snape Poem #3
Oh, Button
Button, oh button
Oh where hath thou fled?
Did thee tarry too long
Amongst fabric and thread?
Did thee roll off my bosom
And cease to exist?
How I wish I could follow thee
Into the mist...
I bet you guys were wondering when I would do this. Well, the answer to that would be a night where I've stayed up too long writing my fanfiction and doing homework, and had about an hour to find a poem and was so lazy that I just decided to use this. And that was tonight.
If you don't know what this is, this is Snape's button poem from the Snape's Diary episode of Potter Puppet Pals.
This poem actually makes me sort of sad. And I'm completely serious. One funny thing about it, though, is how Snape technically doesn't have any buttons in Canon. According to the books, he just wears robes--no frock coat or skin-tight suit with a million buttons... But I wish he did.
I hope Snape finds his button.
Button, oh button
Oh where hath thou fled?
Did thee tarry too long
Amongst fabric and thread?
Did thee roll off my bosom
And cease to exist?
How I wish I could follow thee
Into the mist...
I bet you guys were wondering when I would do this. Well, the answer to that would be a night where I've stayed up too long writing my fanfiction and doing homework, and had about an hour to find a poem and was so lazy that I just decided to use this. And that was tonight.
If you don't know what this is, this is Snape's button poem from the Snape's Diary episode of Potter Puppet Pals.
This poem actually makes me sort of sad. And I'm completely serious. One funny thing about it, though, is how Snape technically doesn't have any buttons in Canon. According to the books, he just wears robes--no frock coat or skin-tight suit with a million buttons... But I wish he did.
I hope Snape finds his button.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Fanfiction Friday #31
Thanks to Blogger's new layout, it now takes me about three less seconds to sign in... Sweet.
But anyway, today I have a fic that is very explicit. Normally, I really don't care on a moral level and I simply warn you to make sure your parents aren't home or to delete your browsing history after reading it, but this goes into real detail. Unless you are past the stage in life where you think sex is disgusting, you should probably just leave this post right now. And you definitely should not be reading this fic if you don't yet know the mechanics of sex... Then again, if you have uptight parents who are very squemish at the thought of giving you "the talk," then this would be a good fic to read.
Yes, it's a 'Snape teaches Sex Ed' fic. And it's called Severus Snape and the SexEd Snafu. And obviously, it's rated M. Personally, I love these kind of fics. I think we all want to know how they dealt with Sex Ed at Hogwarts, or if they had it at all, or if they just let the parents take care of it... Perhaps it's much less of a deal there, because anyone can brew a Contraceptive Potion, and they don't have to be prescribed, and I don't think STDs would be a problem, because they'll have potions for that too... But whether or not they actually have it, reading fics about it is hilarious, especially when Snape is involved.
This is honestly one of the most hilarious fics I've ever read. Snape is kept entirely in character, even when talking about sex... If you're mature enough and you're in the mood for a good laugh, read it.
Tha's right, now bow nice an' low... Al--alright, look! Buckbeak bowed back! Now you get ter pat his beak, and this link ter fanfiction! http://www.fanfiction.net/s/439510/1/Severus_Snape_and_the_SexEd_Snafu
But anyway, today I have a fic that is very explicit. Normally, I really don't care on a moral level and I simply warn you to make sure your parents aren't home or to delete your browsing history after reading it, but this goes into real detail. Unless you are past the stage in life where you think sex is disgusting, you should probably just leave this post right now. And you definitely should not be reading this fic if you don't yet know the mechanics of sex... Then again, if you have uptight parents who are very squemish at the thought of giving you "the talk," then this would be a good fic to read.
Yes, it's a 'Snape teaches Sex Ed' fic. And it's called Severus Snape and the SexEd Snafu. And obviously, it's rated M. Personally, I love these kind of fics. I think we all want to know how they dealt with Sex Ed at Hogwarts, or if they had it at all, or if they just let the parents take care of it... Perhaps it's much less of a deal there, because anyone can brew a Contraceptive Potion, and they don't have to be prescribed, and I don't think STDs would be a problem, because they'll have potions for that too... But whether or not they actually have it, reading fics about it is hilarious, especially when Snape is involved.
This is honestly one of the most hilarious fics I've ever read. Snape is kept entirely in character, even when talking about sex... If you're mature enough and you're in the mood for a good laugh, read it.
Tha's right, now bow nice an' low... Al--alright, look! Buckbeak bowed back! Now you get ter pat his beak, and this link ter fanfiction! http://www.fanfiction.net/s/439510/1/Severus_Snape_and_the_SexEd_Snafu
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Snape Quote of the Week #30
"What would your head have been doing in Hogsmeade, Potter?" said Snape softly. "Your head is not allowed in Hogsmeade. No part of your body has permission to be in Hogsmeade."
"I know that," said Harry, striving to keep his face free of guilt or fear. "It sounds like Malfoy's having hallucin--"
"Malfoy is not having hallucinations," snarled Snape, and he bent down, a hand on each arm of Harry's chair, so that their faces were a foot apart. "If your head was in Hogsmeade, so was the rest of you."
"I've been up in Gryffindor Tower," said Harry. "Like you told--"
"Can anyone confirm that?"
Harry didn't say anything. Snape's thin mouth curled into a horrible smile.
"So," he said, straightening up again. "Everyone from the Minister of Magic downward has been trying to keep famous Harry Potter safe from Sirius Black. But famous Harry Potter is a law unto himself. Let the ordinary people worry about his safety! Famous Harry Potter goes where he wants to, with no thought for the consequences."
Harry stayed silent. Snape was trying to provoke him into telling the truth. He wasn't going to do it. Snape had no proof--yet.
"How extraordinarily like your father you are, Potter," Snape said suddenly, his eyes glinting. "He too was exceedingly arrogant. A small amount of talent on the Quiddicth field made him thin he was a cut above the rest of us too. Strutting around the place with his friends and admirers... The resemblance between you is uncanny."
~Prisoner of Azkaban, Ch. 14 "Snape's Grudge"
This is one of my favorite quotes, because it starts out hilarious and ends very seriously with some insight on Snape's past. I've always loved the "no part of your body is allowed in Hogsmeade" thing... It makes me wonder how that conversation between Snape and Draco went down.
And I always get really mad at Harry when I read this, because Snape isn't even being unjustifiably cruel. He has a valid point, and that is how Harry seems to be the only person who doesn't care about his safety, and also the only person that ultimately controls it. Snape must have been way angrier than he was letting on here, because he must hate it so much that he can't help but worry over the life of a kid (even when it's not in his control) that insists on putting himself into possibly dangerous situations. He would obviously hate anyone that puts Harry's life in danger, and that includes Harry himself.
And of course, there's everything about James... God, I feel so sorry for Snape having to deal with Harry.
On another note, this is my 200th post! ^_^
"I know that," said Harry, striving to keep his face free of guilt or fear. "It sounds like Malfoy's having hallucin--"
"Malfoy is not having hallucinations," snarled Snape, and he bent down, a hand on each arm of Harry's chair, so that their faces were a foot apart. "If your head was in Hogsmeade, so was the rest of you."
"I've been up in Gryffindor Tower," said Harry. "Like you told--"
"Can anyone confirm that?"
Harry didn't say anything. Snape's thin mouth curled into a horrible smile.
"So," he said, straightening up again. "Everyone from the Minister of Magic downward has been trying to keep famous Harry Potter safe from Sirius Black. But famous Harry Potter is a law unto himself. Let the ordinary people worry about his safety! Famous Harry Potter goes where he wants to, with no thought for the consequences."
Harry stayed silent. Snape was trying to provoke him into telling the truth. He wasn't going to do it. Snape had no proof--yet.
"How extraordinarily like your father you are, Potter," Snape said suddenly, his eyes glinting. "He too was exceedingly arrogant. A small amount of talent on the Quiddicth field made him thin he was a cut above the rest of us too. Strutting around the place with his friends and admirers... The resemblance between you is uncanny."
~Prisoner of Azkaban, Ch. 14 "Snape's Grudge"
This is one of my favorite quotes, because it starts out hilarious and ends very seriously with some insight on Snape's past. I've always loved the "no part of your body is allowed in Hogsmeade" thing... It makes me wonder how that conversation between Snape and Draco went down.
And I always get really mad at Harry when I read this, because Snape isn't even being unjustifiably cruel. He has a valid point, and that is how Harry seems to be the only person who doesn't care about his safety, and also the only person that ultimately controls it. Snape must have been way angrier than he was letting on here, because he must hate it so much that he can't help but worry over the life of a kid (even when it's not in his control) that insists on putting himself into possibly dangerous situations. He would obviously hate anyone that puts Harry's life in danger, and that includes Harry himself.
And of course, there's everything about James... God, I feel so sorry for Snape having to deal with Harry.
On another note, this is my 200th post! ^_^
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Snape Video of the Week #30
"Mudblood" - The Prince's Tale
Sadly, this is the last video from this album that I'll be posting, because Lauren hasn't posted videos for any of the other songs from The Prince's Tale. But anyway, I love this song, because I think it's very accurate according to how Lily must have felt about the entire 'Mudblood' thing. I've said this many times before: Lily must have loved Snape the whole time, but she was just as insecure as him when it came to admitting it. And she was also stubborn. So when her best friend called her that name, she was extremely hurt and decided that he must have never liked her in the first place, and decided that she never wanted to be hurt again.
But once again, that's just what I think.
Sadly, this is the last video from this album that I'll be posting, because Lauren hasn't posted videos for any of the other songs from The Prince's Tale. But anyway, I love this song, because I think it's very accurate according to how Lily must have felt about the entire 'Mudblood' thing. I've said this many times before: Lily must have loved Snape the whole time, but she was just as insecure as him when it came to admitting it. And she was also stubborn. So when her best friend called her that name, she was extremely hurt and decided that he must have never liked her in the first place, and decided that she never wanted to be hurt again.
But once again, that's just what I think.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Weekly Snape-ly Event #30
I have two pieces of news (sort of) today, and the first is something you Rickmaniacs might already know. Well, Benedict Cumberbatch (AKA Sherlock Holmes) is apparently VERY good at impressions. When I saw this, I was in awe for several minutes at how good his impression of Alan was. Here's the link: http://www.anglotopia.net/british-entertainment/brit-tv/video-benedict-cumberbatch-sherlock-impersonates-alan-rickman-david-tennant-and-jonathan-ross/
And second, Alan has been nominated for Best Supporting Actor for the SCREAM Awards as Severus Snape! http://www.spike.com/events/scream-awards-2011/voting/best-supporting-actor GO VOTE FOR HIM.
And second, Alan has been nominated for Best Supporting Actor for the SCREAM Awards as Severus Snape! http://www.spike.com/events/scream-awards-2011/voting/best-supporting-actor GO VOTE FOR HIM.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Snape Picture of the Week #30
I decided to post this because this is one of the Snape shirts I ordered today. ^_^ Yesterday was my birthday, and my mom got me really stupid presents that she knew beforehand I'd hate, so she let me pick out a Snape shirt to order off Redbubble. I couldn't narrow it down between 4, so I decided to pay my own money for three of them.
So this blog post is basically me bragging about the Snape shirts I'm about to get. :P
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Snape Poem #2
More Fruits of Solitude by William Penn
They that love beyond the world cannot be separated by it.
Death cannot kill what never dies.
Nor can spirits ever be divided, that love and live in the same divine principle, the root and record of their friendship.
If absence be not death, neither is theirs.
Death is but crossing the world, as friends do the seas; they live in one another still.
For they must needs be present, that love and live in that which is omnipresent.
In this divine glass they see face to face; and their converse is free, as well as pure.
This is the comfort of friends, that though they may be said to die, yet their friendship and society are, in the best sense, ever present, because immortal.
Death cannot kill what never dies.
Nor can spirits ever be divided, that love and live in the same divine principle, the root and record of their friendship.
If absence be not death, neither is theirs.
Death is but crossing the world, as friends do the seas; they live in one another still.
For they must needs be present, that love and live in that which is omnipresent.
In this divine glass they see face to face; and their converse is free, as well as pure.
This is the comfort of friends, that though they may be said to die, yet their friendship and society are, in the best sense, ever present, because immortal.
This poem was at the beginning of Deathly Hallows, and I think it fits with Snape just as well as the rest of the book.
Voldemort may have killed Lily, but that didn't sever what was left of their friendship, even if neither of them knew the other still cared, and it didn't stop Snape from loving her. It wasn't until Lily's life was threatened that Snape realized what a mistake he'd made, how stupid he'd been in his life... His love for her was immortal, and his love for her is what kept so many people safe, even after he was killed by Voldemort.
Friday, September 9, 2011
Fanfiction Friday #30
I would have posted this earlier, but I got a little sidetracked in writing the newest chapter of my own fanfic. Ironic, isn't it? Or--wait, maybe that's the opposite of ironic... whatever.
Anyway, there's no particular ship in this fic, except for the residual Snape/Lily theme that is with all mostly-canon fics. It's based on the movie version of Snape's death, and is AU after the event of his death. Spolier: he's not really dead. It's called You Have Your Mother's Eyes, obviously because of that quote in the movie...
And I'd like to take a minute to rant about my mixed feelings on that scene. Firstly, I was crying my eyes out, but that much is obvious. And I think Alan Rickman played his part beautifully. But, being the die-hard HP fan that I am, I can't help but be frustrated that they had Snape say 'Take them, take them... please..." instead of "Take... it.... Take... it...." YES, THERE IS A DIFFERENCE. I can't blame Alan, because he didn't write the script, and I don't necessarily hate that they added the "You have your mother's eyes" so that "Look at me" WEREN'T his last words, but still... I think they should have stuck entirely to the book for once, if only for that scene. Snape's death scene is worthy of an accurate film adaptation.
Either way, I really like this fic, mostly because of how well it's written. And because Snape lives. But that's another extremely ambivalent part of me, because I hate so much that Snape had to die, but then again, I think he's where he wants to be. I mean, I'd like to know what Snape's life post-Voldemort would have been like, but I think that death freed him. He was finally with Lily.
Take... it.... Take... it.... Take the link... http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7217503/1/You_Have_Your_Mothers_Eyes
Anyway, there's no particular ship in this fic, except for the residual Snape/Lily theme that is with all mostly-canon fics. It's based on the movie version of Snape's death, and is AU after the event of his death. Spolier: he's not really dead. It's called You Have Your Mother's Eyes, obviously because of that quote in the movie...
And I'd like to take a minute to rant about my mixed feelings on that scene. Firstly, I was crying my eyes out, but that much is obvious. And I think Alan Rickman played his part beautifully. But, being the die-hard HP fan that I am, I can't help but be frustrated that they had Snape say 'Take them, take them... please..." instead of "Take... it.... Take... it...." YES, THERE IS A DIFFERENCE. I can't blame Alan, because he didn't write the script, and I don't necessarily hate that they added the "You have your mother's eyes" so that "Look at me" WEREN'T his last words, but still... I think they should have stuck entirely to the book for once, if only for that scene. Snape's death scene is worthy of an accurate film adaptation.
Either way, I really like this fic, mostly because of how well it's written. And because Snape lives. But that's another extremely ambivalent part of me, because I hate so much that Snape had to die, but then again, I think he's where he wants to be. I mean, I'd like to know what Snape's life post-Voldemort would have been like, but I think that death freed him. He was finally with Lily.
Take... it.... Take... it.... Take the link... http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7217503/1/You_Have_Your_Mothers_Eyes
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Snape Quote of the Week #29
"Someone's coming down for you," said Tonks. "Look."
A lantern was bobbing at the distant foot of the castle. Harry was so pleased to see it he felt he could even endure Filch's wheezy criticisms of tardiness and rants about how his timekeeping would improve with the regular application of thumbscrews. It was not until the glowing yellow light was ten feet away from them, and Harry had pulled off his Invisibility Cloak so that he could be seen, that he recognized, with a rush of pure loathing, the uplit hooked nose and long, black, greasy hair of Severus Snape.
"Well, well, well," sneered Snape, taking out his wand and tapping the padlock once, so that the chains snaked backward and the gates creaked open. "Nice of you to turn up, Potter, although you have evidently decided that the wearing of school robes would detract from your appearance."
"I couldn't change, I didn't have my--" Harry began, but Snape cut across him.
"There is no need to wait, Nymphadora, Potter is quite--ah--safe in my hands."
"I meant Hagrid to get the message," said Tonks, frowning.
"Hagrid was late for the start-of-term feast, just like Potter here, so I took it instead. And incidentally," said Snape, standing back to allow Harry to pass him, "I was interested to see your new Patronus."
He shut the gates in her face with a loud clang and tapped the chains with his wand again, so that they slithered, clinking, back into place.
"I think you were better off with the old one," said Snape, the malice in his voice unmistakable. "The new one looks weak."
As Snape swung the lantern about, Harry saw, fleetingly, a look of shock and anger on Tonks's face. Then she was covered in darkness once more.
~Half-Blood Prince, Ch. 8, "Snape Victorious"
I think I'm going to have to take this quote bit-by-bit. First off, I love the name of this chapter. Any chapter with 'Snape' in the name is obviously going to be good.
And it's pretty ironic how, while Harry feels a rush of loathing when Snape enters the scene, we all feel very excited and our blood pressure rises. Also, at 'uplit hooked nose,' I had a crazy thought about Snape trying to be like Narcissa, who has a very upturned nose... If Snape was to turn his nose up at something, his head would have to be tilted back at a ninety degree angle with his neck.
Then, of course, I love how Snape calls nearly everyone by their last name, but he calls Tonks by her first name just because he knows it makes her angry. It would be hilarious if he called her 'Tonkadora.' XD
And we all know Harry's safe in his hands... God, I want to be in his hands. *jealous*
Oh--and as for the Patronus thing, I suppose Snape must have known about Tonks and Lupin. And he clearly does not ship them.
Overall, this is just a really nice quote, because it shows how sometimes Snape is just cruel for fun, and how it's so sexy to us. ^_^
A lantern was bobbing at the distant foot of the castle. Harry was so pleased to see it he felt he could even endure Filch's wheezy criticisms of tardiness and rants about how his timekeeping would improve with the regular application of thumbscrews. It was not until the glowing yellow light was ten feet away from them, and Harry had pulled off his Invisibility Cloak so that he could be seen, that he recognized, with a rush of pure loathing, the uplit hooked nose and long, black, greasy hair of Severus Snape.
"Well, well, well," sneered Snape, taking out his wand and tapping the padlock once, so that the chains snaked backward and the gates creaked open. "Nice of you to turn up, Potter, although you have evidently decided that the wearing of school robes would detract from your appearance."
"I couldn't change, I didn't have my--" Harry began, but Snape cut across him.
"There is no need to wait, Nymphadora, Potter is quite--ah--safe in my hands."
"I meant Hagrid to get the message," said Tonks, frowning.
"Hagrid was late for the start-of-term feast, just like Potter here, so I took it instead. And incidentally," said Snape, standing back to allow Harry to pass him, "I was interested to see your new Patronus."
He shut the gates in her face with a loud clang and tapped the chains with his wand again, so that they slithered, clinking, back into place.
"I think you were better off with the old one," said Snape, the malice in his voice unmistakable. "The new one looks weak."
As Snape swung the lantern about, Harry saw, fleetingly, a look of shock and anger on Tonks's face. Then she was covered in darkness once more.
~Half-Blood Prince, Ch. 8, "Snape Victorious"
I think I'm going to have to take this quote bit-by-bit. First off, I love the name of this chapter. Any chapter with 'Snape' in the name is obviously going to be good.
And it's pretty ironic how, while Harry feels a rush of loathing when Snape enters the scene, we all feel very excited and our blood pressure rises. Also, at 'uplit hooked nose,' I had a crazy thought about Snape trying to be like Narcissa, who has a very upturned nose... If Snape was to turn his nose up at something, his head would have to be tilted back at a ninety degree angle with his neck.
Then, of course, I love how Snape calls nearly everyone by their last name, but he calls Tonks by her first name just because he knows it makes her angry. It would be hilarious if he called her 'Tonkadora.' XD
And we all know Harry's safe in his hands... God, I want to be in his hands. *jealous*
Oh--and as for the Patronus thing, I suppose Snape must have known about Tonks and Lupin. And he clearly does not ship them.
Overall, this is just a really nice quote, because it shows how sometimes Snape is just cruel for fun, and how it's so sexy to us. ^_^
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Snape Video of the Week #29
"Maybe" - Prince's Tale
This is by the same person that last week's video was from and, yes, I probably will end up using all her songs in the upcoming SVotW's. I love this song particularly because the first memory in the Prince's Tale in definitely my favorite after the 'Always' scene. It's just so sweet it makes me heart implode, and this song does a perfect job of expressing it. <3
This is by the same person that last week's video was from and, yes, I probably will end up using all her songs in the upcoming SVotW's. I love this song particularly because the first memory in the Prince's Tale in definitely my favorite after the 'Always' scene. It's just so sweet it makes me heart implode, and this song does a perfect job of expressing it. <3
Monday, September 5, 2011
Weekly Snape-ly Event #29
First off, I'd like to tell you guys that, in the RP I've mentioned the past two weeks, I'm pregnant with Snape's child. Congratulate me. *SMUG*
Anyway, the Bloomsbury HP Character poll came to a close recently, and of course Snape won. To be honest, I'm not even that excited about this one, because it's obvious he'd win. Either way, here's the full article (well, one of them, because there's loads): http://www.snitchseeker.com/harry-potter-news/bloomsbury-announces-severus-snape-voted-as-favourite-character-in-harry-potter-books-85213/
In other news, Alan Rickman won the Anglo Fan Favorites Tournament! YES! *punches air in victory* And David Tennant got third place! Here's the link to that article: http://blogs.bbcamerica.com/anglophenia/2011/09/02/alan-rickman-crowned-winner-of-the-anglo-fan-favorites-tournament/
And here's something about Alan Rickman that's not necessarily news, but just a total fail. http://www.screenjunkies.com/movies/actors-directors/10-best-old-school-actors/
as Hans Gruber from “Lethal Weapon.”
Hans Gruber from “Lethal Weapon.”
Hans Gruber from “Lethal Weapon.”
Hans Gruber
“Lethal Weapon.”
Anyway, the Bloomsbury HP Character poll came to a close recently, and of course Snape won. To be honest, I'm not even that excited about this one, because it's obvious he'd win. Either way, here's the full article (well, one of them, because there's loads): http://www.snitchseeker.com/harry-potter-news/bloomsbury-announces-severus-snape-voted-as-favourite-character-in-harry-potter-books-85213/
In other news, Alan Rickman won the Anglo Fan Favorites Tournament! YES! *punches air in victory* And David Tennant got third place! Here's the link to that article: http://blogs.bbcamerica.com/anglophenia/2011/09/02/alan-rickman-crowned-winner-of-the-anglo-fan-favorites-tournament/
And here's something about Alan Rickman that's not necessarily news, but just a total fail. http://www.screenjunkies.com/movies/actors-directors/10-best-old-school-actors/
as Hans Gruber from “Lethal Weapon.”
Hans Gruber from “Lethal Weapon.”
Hans Gruber from “Lethal Weapon.”
Hans Gruber
“Lethal Weapon.”
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Snape Picture of the Week #29
This is a picture I drew of Snape at nine years old. It was originally based off my fanfic, since I drew it along with Vesperra (my OC, in case you don't read my fic) at age nine, but it makes sense on his own. I can imagine little Sev having a spot by the stream near his house where he just went and sat in his old, overlarge clothes and stayed for a while when his parents fought. It's sort of sad, but I'm really proud of this picture. It's one of the best I've ever drawn.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Snape Poem #1
Another seven weeks has passed, which means that I need something new to do with my Saturdays! Well, I decided that for the next seven Saturdays, I will be posting a poem (whether old or modern) and relating it to Snape.
This week's poem: Porphyria's Lover by Robert Browning
In case you didn't catch it, this poem is basically about how a woman (Porphyria) loves this man so much that she overcame societal structures for him. He knows that she'll eventually give into society, so he wants to preserve her the way she is now. He strangles her and props her up against his bed as though she's alive, then sits with her body all night.
Now, you're probably wondering how I could possibly relate this to Snape. Well, I couldn't help but automatically think of Snape's love for Lily when I first read this poem. I definitely don't think he'd ever kill her, but I think his love for her might have made him a bit mad at some point.
This poem also reminds me of my own love for Snape. In the poem, Porphyria pretty much lets her lover kill her, because she loves him so much. As sick and wrong as it sounds, I can imagine me and Snape taking the place of Porphyria and the man in the poem.
This week's poem: Porphyria's Lover by Robert Browning
The rain set early in tonight,
The sullen wind was soon awake,
It tore the elm-tops down for spite,
and did its worst to vex the lake:
I listened with heart fit to break.
When glided in Porphyria; straight
She shut the cold out and the storm,
And kneeled and made the cheerless grate
Blaze up, and all the cottage warm;
Which done, she rose, and from her form
Withdrew the dripping cloak and shawl,
And laid her soiled gloves by, untied
Her hat and let the damp hair fall,
And, last, she sat down by my side
And called me. When no voice replied,
She put my arm about her waist,
And made her smooth white shoulder bare,
And all her yellow hair displaced,
And, stooping, made my cheek lie there,
And spread, o’er all, her yellow hair,
Murmuring how she loved me—she
Too weak, for all her heart’s endeavor,
To set its struggling passion free
From pride, and vainer ties dissever,
And give herself to me forever.
But passion sometimes would prevail,
Nor could tonight’s gay feast restrain
A sudden thought of one so pale
For love of her, and all in vain:
So, she was come through wind and rain.
Be sure I looked up at her eyes
Happy and proud; at last I knew
Porphyria worshiped me: surprise
Made my heart swell, and still it grew
While I debated what to do.
That moment she was mine, mine, fair,
Perfectly pure and good: I found
A thing to do, and all her hair
In one long yellow string I wound
Three times her little throat around,
And strangled her. No pain felt she;
I am quite sure she felt no pain.
As a shut bud that holds a bee,
I warily oped her lids: again
Laughed the blue eyes without a stain.
And I untightened next the tress
About her neck; her cheek once more
Blushed bright beneath my burning kiss:
I propped her head up as before
Only, this time my shoulder bore
Her head, which droops upon it still:
The smiling rosy little head,
So glad it has its utmost will,
That all it scorned at once is fled,
And I, its love, am gained instead!
Porphyria’s love: she guessed not how
Her darling one wish would be heard.
And thus we sit together now,
And all night long we have not stirred,
And yet God has not said a word!
In case you didn't catch it, this poem is basically about how a woman (Porphyria) loves this man so much that she overcame societal structures for him. He knows that she'll eventually give into society, so he wants to preserve her the way she is now. He strangles her and props her up against his bed as though she's alive, then sits with her body all night.
Now, you're probably wondering how I could possibly relate this to Snape. Well, I couldn't help but automatically think of Snape's love for Lily when I first read this poem. I definitely don't think he'd ever kill her, but I think his love for her might have made him a bit mad at some point.
This poem also reminds me of my own love for Snape. In the poem, Porphyria pretty much lets her lover kill her, because she loves him so much. As sick and wrong as it sounds, I can imagine me and Snape taking the place of Porphyria and the man in the poem.
Friday, September 2, 2011
Fanfiction Friday #29
It's a really good thing that I only read Snape fics, because I'm very tired and in order to get this post over with, I simply used the last fic I read, which was this morning. Maybe I should just post earlier in the day... Nah.
Anyway, this fic was written by one of my RP friends--she roleplays Professor Sinistra in FormerMiM, and is Snape's girlfriend. Well, I suppose I can't consider her a friend, because I hate her. No--I hate her character. But she, as a person, is cool. And she's a really good writer. Anyway, she only ships Snape/Sinistra, so nearly all of her fics have that pairing. Lately on FormerMiM, people have been writing a lot of short fanfics... mostly about themselves and their preferred character (which has mainly been Snape so far).
Surprisingly, this story isn't necessarily a romance. It's a long one-shot called Forever, and is about a particular memory of Sinistra's, and she classified it as Drama. It's from when they were students together, and it stays canon, so you can guess that Severus doesn't return Sinistra's feelings. And it's rated T, so there's nothing inappropriate.
I have seen your heart, blog-reader, and it is mine... You want the link to this fanfiction, don't you? http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7345140/1/Forever
Anyway, this fic was written by one of my RP friends--she roleplays Professor Sinistra in FormerMiM, and is Snape's girlfriend. Well, I suppose I can't consider her a friend, because I hate her. No--I hate her character. But she, as a person, is cool. And she's a really good writer. Anyway, she only ships Snape/Sinistra, so nearly all of her fics have that pairing. Lately on FormerMiM, people have been writing a lot of short fanfics... mostly about themselves and their preferred character (which has mainly been Snape so far).
Surprisingly, this story isn't necessarily a romance. It's a long one-shot called Forever, and is about a particular memory of Sinistra's, and she classified it as Drama. It's from when they were students together, and it stays canon, so you can guess that Severus doesn't return Sinistra's feelings. And it's rated T, so there's nothing inappropriate.
I have seen your heart, blog-reader, and it is mine... You want the link to this fanfiction, don't you? http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7345140/1/Forever
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Snape Quote of the Week #28
He did not know why he was doing it, why he was approaching the dying man: He did not know what he felt as he saw Snape's white face, and the fingers trying to staunch the bloody wound at his neck. Harry took off the invisibility cloak and looked down upon the man he hated, whose widening eyes found Harry as he tried to speak. Harry bent over him, and Snape seize the front of his robes and pulled him close.
A terrible rasping, gurgling noise came from Snape's throat.
"Take... it.... Take... it...."
Something more than blood was leaking from Snape. Silvery blue, neither gas nor liquid, it gushed from his mouth and his ears and his eyes, and Harry knew what it was, but did not know what to do--
A flask, conjured from thin air, was thrust into his shaking hands by Hermione. Harry lifted the silvery substance into it with his wand. When the flask was full to the brim, and Snape looked as though there was no blood left in him, his grip on Harry's robes slackened.
"Look... at... me...." he whispered.
The green eyes found the black, but after a second, something in the depths of the dark pair seemed to vanish, leaving them fixed, blank, and empty. The hand holding Harry thudded to the floor, and Snape moved no more.
~Deathly Hallows, Ch. 32 "The Elder Wand"
First, I have to say that this quote was very difficult to bring myself to do. This is the scene where I cried more than I ever have in my entire life, and it never gets easier to read it. I was sobbing while reading it so I could type it down.
Besides that fact that Snape is dying in this part, it makes me choke up with sadness thinking about how painful his death must have been. And Sirius said that death was 'quicker and easier than falling asleep'... Well, that's easy for him to say--he was killed by a curtain. But to bleed to death from a wound in your neck caused by a poisonous snake whose fangs were long enough to pierce your trachea just seems like one of the worst deaths imaginable. Snape's death was not only the cruelest on us, but the cruelest on him.... He wasn't lucky enough to be killed painlessly by a flash of green light, no, he had to bleed to death.... Poor Severus.
Amidst the tears, I'm also wondering how Snape gave Harry his memories. Is that some sort of spell that you can learn, to wandlessly let your most significant memories flow out of all your facial orifices? Or was that just something J.K. Rowling included so the situation would make sense?
And then, of course, the end is the saddest thing in all of history. He wanted to see Lily's eyes one last time before he died.... But he must have found peace in the afterlife and reconciled with her. He just had to... and he's where he wants to be.
A terrible rasping, gurgling noise came from Snape's throat.
"Take... it.... Take... it...."
Something more than blood was leaking from Snape. Silvery blue, neither gas nor liquid, it gushed from his mouth and his ears and his eyes, and Harry knew what it was, but did not know what to do--
A flask, conjured from thin air, was thrust into his shaking hands by Hermione. Harry lifted the silvery substance into it with his wand. When the flask was full to the brim, and Snape looked as though there was no blood left in him, his grip on Harry's robes slackened.
"Look... at... me...." he whispered.
The green eyes found the black, but after a second, something in the depths of the dark pair seemed to vanish, leaving them fixed, blank, and empty. The hand holding Harry thudded to the floor, and Snape moved no more.
~Deathly Hallows, Ch. 32 "The Elder Wand"
First, I have to say that this quote was very difficult to bring myself to do. This is the scene where I cried more than I ever have in my entire life, and it never gets easier to read it. I was sobbing while reading it so I could type it down.
Besides that fact that Snape is dying in this part, it makes me choke up with sadness thinking about how painful his death must have been. And Sirius said that death was 'quicker and easier than falling asleep'... Well, that's easy for him to say--he was killed by a curtain. But to bleed to death from a wound in your neck caused by a poisonous snake whose fangs were long enough to pierce your trachea just seems like one of the worst deaths imaginable. Snape's death was not only the cruelest on us, but the cruelest on him.... He wasn't lucky enough to be killed painlessly by a flash of green light, no, he had to bleed to death.... Poor Severus.
Amidst the tears, I'm also wondering how Snape gave Harry his memories. Is that some sort of spell that you can learn, to wandlessly let your most significant memories flow out of all your facial orifices? Or was that just something J.K. Rowling included so the situation would make sense?
And then, of course, the end is the saddest thing in all of history. He wanted to see Lily's eyes one last time before he died.... But he must have found peace in the afterlife and reconciled with her. He just had to... and he's where he wants to be.
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