Friday, April 1, 2011

Fanfiction Friday #7

Before I introduce today's fanfiction, I must mention that this is the beginning of the 7th week on this blog. Why does this matter, you ask? Well, I doubt you asked in the first place, assuming none of you are stupid.

7 is the most magical freaking number ever. Now, you might think that I'm going to post all '7' related things for the week, or post the best things I can find, or something else... But I'm not. Sorry to disappoint you, but I merely thought it was worth mentioning. And if you actually feel let down, then I'm doing my job, as it's April Fool's Day(and also Fred and George's birthday).

Anyway... Today, I went looking for a naughty fic... I've been fantasizing about Severus more than usual lately, so it's natural I'd want to read one. There were a lot more Snape/Hermione smuts than Snape/Lily, but I was determined to find one. I did get sort of disappointed with the lack of sex in it, but I found a pretty good oneshot called Sweet Root.

It involves Snape drunk, which should be enough for you to automatically want to read it, because drunk Snape is win. But Lily's also drunk in it... and it gets pretty silly. But it's also pretty hot at some parts. I'd say it's a pretty good balance between funny, sweet, and sexy.

You know what I see when I look in the Mirror of Erised? You clicking this link: