Friday, September 9, 2011

Fanfiction Friday #30

I would have posted this earlier, but I got a little sidetracked in writing the newest chapter of my own fanfic. Ironic, isn't it? Or--wait, maybe that's the opposite of ironic... whatever.

Anyway, there's no particular ship in this fic, except for the residual Snape/Lily theme that is with all mostly-canon fics. It's based on the movie version of Snape's death, and is AU after the event of his death. Spolier: he's not really dead. It's called You Have Your Mother's Eyes, obviously because of that quote in the movie...

And I'd like to take a minute to rant about my mixed feelings on that scene. Firstly, I was crying my eyes out, but that much is obvious. And I think Alan Rickman played his part beautifully. But, being the die-hard HP fan that I am, I can't help but be frustrated that they had Snape say 'Take them, take them... please..." instead of "Take... it.... Take... it...." YES, THERE IS A DIFFERENCE. I can't blame Alan, because he didn't write the script, and I don't necessarily hate that they added the "You have your mother's eyes" so that "Look at me" WEREN'T his last words, but still... I think they should have stuck entirely to the book for once, if only for that scene. Snape's death scene is worthy of an accurate film adaptation.

Either way, I really like this fic, mostly because of how well it's written. And because Snape lives. But that's another extremely ambivalent part of me, because I hate so much that Snape had to die, but then again, I think he's where he wants to be. I mean, I'd like to know what Snape's life post-Voldemort would have been like, but I think that death freed him. He was finally with Lily.

Take... it.... Take... it.... Take the link...