Friday, March 4, 2011

Fanfiction Friday #3

This week, I present you with a humor fic! It's called Here Comes the Snake, and is technically a Snape/Hermione fic, but it's mostly about Snape trying to protect his balls.

It's actually pretty hilarious, and well thought-out. I can tell the author put a lot of thinking into the plot... even though it's not much of a plot.

For those of you who are like me, and cry profusely at a good Snape/Lily story(but love to read them nevertheless), then this story is good comic relief. It's only 2 chapters, so it's not too long, it has enough Snape in it to satisfy your needs, and not too much Snape/Hermione, so you Hardcore Snily Shippers won't feel bad for reading it.

The Link is Property of The Half-Blood Prince: