Friday, September 2, 2011

Fanfiction Friday #29

It's a really good thing that I only read Snape fics, because I'm very tired and in order to get this post over with, I simply used the last fic I read, which was this morning. Maybe I should just post earlier in the day... Nah.

Anyway, this fic was written by one of my RP friends--she roleplays Professor Sinistra in FormerMiM, and is Snape's girlfriend. Well, I suppose I can't consider her a friend, because I hate her. No--I hate her character. But she, as a person, is cool. And she's a really good writer. Anyway, she only ships Snape/Sinistra, so nearly all of her fics have that pairing. Lately on FormerMiM, people have been writing a lot of short fanfics... mostly about themselves and their preferred character (which has mainly been Snape so far).

Surprisingly, this story isn't necessarily a romance. It's a long one-shot called Forever, and is about a particular memory of Sinistra's, and she classified it as Drama. It's from when they were students together, and it stays canon, so you can guess that Severus doesn't return Sinistra's feelings. And it's rated T, so there's nothing inappropriate.

I have seen your heart, blog-reader, and it is mine... You want the link to this fanfiction, don't you?