Thursday, March 31, 2011

Snape Quote of the Week #6

"It's real for us," said Snape. "Not for her. But we'll get the letter, you and me."
"Really?" whispered Lily.
"Definitely," said Snape, and even with his poorly cut hair and his odd clothes, he struck an oddly impressive figure sprawled in front of her, brimful of confidence in his destiny.

This is from the Prince's Tale chapter in Deathly Hallows, when Snape and Lily are kids and she's just found out she was a witch. I was putting off doing a DH quote, because it would have to have been from The Prince's Tale, and I knew I was gonna cry. If I had done a Snape quote not from the Prince's Tale, it would be even sadder... :'(

But I love this quote so much, because when he says "It's real for us," for me, it outlines the entire fandom of Harry Potter. Plus, It's a major part of their relatonship, and is just really sweet. :)

And of course he strikes an impressive figure! He's Severus Freaking Snape... Even as a kid, he was hot. He didn't even need clean clothes or hair, because the dirt just enhances his sexiness. And "sprawled in front of her" makes it sound like they're lying down... Oh, how I wish I could lie down with Snape. :D

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Snape Insults YOU #6

Snape Insults Lady Gaga

Ah-Miss Gaga- another spectacular entrance. If you can find your seat without dancing some Inferius-like dance... Yes, thank you. Correct me if I'm mistaken, but I do not think 'Gaga' is a Wizarding name... In fact, I don't believe it is a name at all. But as it seems you have no first name, it is what we are forced to call you. Miss Gaga, how many detentions will it take to ingrain it in your non-human brain that what you consider 'fashion' is not school uniform, nordo they even count as clothes. Now, put those back in Lovegood's closet and change into your robes at once Miss- Wait, are you even a 'Miss'? I doubt any of us are sure... Until your gender is verified, we will refer to you as 'It.'

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Snape Video of the Week #6

Snape Song- Let Me Penetrate You
Yet another Snape song! I don't know if it was originally made by the same person that made the other, but I still love it!

If you went straight to the page on Youtube, you'd notice that the majority of the comments say something like "You can penetrate me anytime, Snape ;)"... And one of them was mine. I think we all would.

But I don't think Snape would want to penetrate Harry, who it seems the song is about... O_o You won't believe how many Snape/Harry fics I've found, and how many of them are non-consensual... *shudders*

Nevertheless, this is hilarious! Like all the others, I've completely memorized it... And I get wierd looks whenever I sing it. :D

Monday, March 28, 2011

Weekly Snape-ly Event #6

Oh my Rowling, this is exciting! *hyperventilates*

Alan Fucking Rickman is to star in Gambit, which is scheduled to start filming in May! His character will be the Richest Man in England... of course. He's always the rich guy.

It's so awesome that he's going to be in a new movie, but seeing as they hasn't even started shooting yet, it's going to be a while... :( I hope he'll make time for TV appearances (especially Doctor Who, they NEED him) and short films along the way.

If you want the article for all the details, here's the link:

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Snape Picture of the Week #6

I drew this myself- it's me snogging Snape! ^_^ See, I was thinking about my fanfiction in the later years, as I intend for it to last the time span of the actual Harry Potter books, and was determined to have my OC character snog Snape eventually, even though he's still in love with Lily... and I figured out how to make it work. But I can't tell you what that is, because since I had to add a lot of background and other things for it to make sense, it's going to be a major plot point. Besides, I'm hardly on Halloween of Year 1 so far, so it'll have to be a while for it happens. Anyway... thereason I wanted to make this happen is because I sort of base my OC character off myself, and as we all know, I really want to snog Snape. So I had this fantasy, and I keep reliving it in my head and hoping I dream about it... and one night, I decided I was going to draw it. Because when you draw your fantasies, they just feel more real.

So now, I have this picture on my wall(in my room, not my facebook wall). But I did post in on Severus Snape (MiM)'s wall, and some people thought it was cool, some people were freaked out (especially Snape himself...), and some were jealous.

Honestly, I think this is the best thing I've ever drawn. I worked really hard on it.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

How To Be Like Snape #6

Bloody Hell, I'm running out of ideas for this... Eventually, I'll have to make Saturdays something else, but I'm going to drag this out as long as I can.

Have Snape's Sexy Bod
I could have called this "Look Like Snape", but that would have been boring.

Basically, there's already the Hair Like Snape and Dress Like Snape, so this for actually physically looking like him.

His Nose
First, there's his most prominent feature: his nose. It's huge. And J.K. Rowling makes sure to get the point across that it is. She's not exaggerating, either. It's supposed to take up at least(if not more than) a third of his face. It's large, convex, angular, and hooked. I'm sorry if I've repeated that in several blog posts, but I love to describe his nose. Now, whether or not we already thought they were sexy, Snape made those types of noses for us. Or at least, he makes it work. The characers in the book think it makes him ugly, as well as many people that aren't Snape fans. But that should be good, shouldn't? Having people think you're ugly just adds to being Snape. The more you're made fun of, the more depressed you are, and Snape's depressed. Oh God... is it unhealthy to want to be depressed just to be like a book character?

Anyway, if you already have a Snape nose, lucky you! If you're a guy, I'll bet that there are a few girls secretly crushing on you just for looing like Snape. If not, there's not really much you can do except look down a lot to give the illusion that you have a downturned nose, or get a nose job. My nose is the kind that has that little bump on the bridge, so it's not concave, and closer to being convex than straight. Close enough.

His Skin
Once again, Snape made sallow skin for us. We like a guy that's so pale he could be a vampire(the real kind, not the stupid sparkly kind). To get this pale, just stay inside all the time. The more you go outside, he more tanned you get. And you don't want to be tan. However, you'll eventually have a large Vitamin D defficiency, so you should eat a lot of fish and eggs. If you're the outside type or play a lot of sports, too bad. Quit your sport and become the inside type, if you want to be like Snape. If you refuse to do so, you're not determined enough. Snape spends all his time alone in the dungeons, so he cannot be tan.

His skin would also be greasy, but that's because his hair is so greasy. It sticks to his face... it's a wonder how he doesn't have acne. Well, at least, he's never described as having any acne... not even when he was a teenager. Maybe he hexes them off... or uses an Anti-Acne potion. If you have naturally greasy hair or choose to only take showers sporadically for Snape-like hair, your skin will be greasy. This may be a good thing, but you should still use some sort of zit cream. If you're a teenager, you'll have greasy skin anyway.

His SEXY Bod
Now, I imagine that Snape is in pretty good shape. I mean, he probably spends the time that he isn't protecting Harry or teaching Potions to work out. I doubt he actually has abs or defined muscles, but he should have a tight stomach and firm biceps. Oh God... I really want to feel his muscles now. *drools* Anyway, all I can tell you is to not get fat. If you're already fat, stop eating so much, you fatty. And you should at least do push-up and sit-ups regulary and become relatively strong. But don't show off your strength, because Snape doesn't do that. At least be strong enough to drag a student by their ear.

And if you're a guy, shave your chest hair. I just can't imagine Snape with a lot of chest hair.

Here's what he probably looks like without his clothes-but not completely naked, I couldn't find a pic of him naked :(

Friday, March 25, 2011

Fanfiction Friday #6

Today, I spent a lot of time looking for a good Snape/Lily fic... And honestly, a lot of them sucked. They were just too short, or lacking in correct grammar, or badly written, or just had a stupid plot. I don't like Snape/Lily stories that are too AU or OOC. But they have to have some sort of sense of requited love... even if it has to have tragic events that make it impossible.

So after several failures, I stumbled upon A Life Worth Dying For... and it's pretty awesome. It starts off canon, gets into some sweet moments that we'd really like to happen, and starts to confuse you. It'll give you a lot of "What if?" questions... and you'll really think about the complexities of time and space and... stuff.

There's 14 chapters so far, the last one having been published 3 days ago... so there's more to come. I love that people can take this world and these characters and put them into their own story... and actually continue on for this long, instead of hardly writing a few hundred words. Some might call us nerds, but I call us awesome.

Really, you should read this if you're a Snape/Lily fan. As long as you don't mind non-canon, I'm sure you'll love it!

Oh, very good...Yes, it is easy to see that nearly six years of magical education have not been wasted on you. 'Links are transparent.'

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Snape Quote of the Week #5

Hermione gasped. Harry and Ron wheeled around.
Snape was standing there.
"Good afternoon," he said smoothly.
They stared at him.
:"You shouldn't be inside on a day like this," he said, with an odd, twisted smile.
"We were-" Harry began, without any idea what he was going to say.
"You want to be more careful," said Snape. "Hanging around like this, people will think you're up to something. And Gryffindor really can't afford to lose any more points, can it?"

Oh my Rowling, I love this one. Snape really has a knack for appearing behind them all of a suddan, doesn't he? Plus, it's like he can read your mind... You know, if he could read my mind, he'd probably freak out and run away. :D But anyway, it's just so hilarious how he's saying that to them when he's inside as well. I'm so glad they actually put it in the movie! And, omg, the voice Alan Rickman uses when he's saying it... effing sexy.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Snape Insults YOU #5

Snape Insults Miley Cyrus It is my understanding, Miss Cyrus. that your previous attempts to "Party in the USA" were hopelessly fruitless, as the USA does not want you there. But must you come into our country as well? I, as well as the rest of the UK, would very much prefer you far, far away. Oh, I suppose you pride yourself on having a double-life? You think that makes you special? Well you're doing a dreadful job at it... I, on the hand, am a quadruple-agent. And your name... is stupid. Hannah Montana? I suppose that's "cool", is it? Not as cool as my name... Yours has a state in it... Mine's just plain awesome. I'm Severus Fucking Snape, bitch.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Snape Video of the Week #5

Snape's Best Moments
Because Blogger is being stupid, I can't post the video straight to the blog. So here's the link:

There's a lot of these types of videos for Snape on Youtube, but this is one of the best I can find. It's all my favorite parts from all the movies, and it's pretty long. There's not much I can say for this video, except, go watch it, swoon over his voice, and watch it again. Repeat.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Weekly Snape-ly Event #5

This week, I am reluctant to give you somewhat sad news.

John Nettleship, J.K. Rowling's teacher that inspired Snape's character, died on the 17th. His funeral was today.

Of course, he didn't inspire Snape's background with Lily(because I've conviced myself Rowling had Alan Rickman in mind when she wrote Snape and refuse to believe otherwise), but merely gave her idea of Harry having a mean Professor.

But really, it's because of him(if not because of J.K. Rowling) that Severus Snape exists. It's because of him that we actually want mean teachers, because it makes us feel awesome.

Well, here's the link to the article:


Sunday, March 20, 2011

Snape Picture of the Week #5

Okay, so I know I made this picture bigger than I normally would, but it's just too epic to keep small.

And I know some people are annoyed by the word "epic," but this is definitely not a misuse of the word. This is truly one of the most epic Snape pictures I've ever. I want to meet the person who made this and thank them. I love how they blended the pictures of Snape and Hogwarts burning in the background... it's just so amazing. I want to know how people do that though, because I have no idea how to edit pictures like that.

I also love the quote used i it... I really love Snape pictures that involve quotes from the book, because they're usually sad. And this one is pretty sad too. Especially because of the look on Snape's face. (Both of them.) It's just so intense...

Well, those are all the words I can use to describe this picture. Except, one more... Sexy.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

How To Be Like Snape #5

Talk Like Snape
I already know this is gonna be one of the longest ones, but not longer than the Walk Like Snape. Well, you shouldn't expect any different, because learning to talk like Snape is an intricate process.

I always refer to Snape's(or Alan Rickman's) voice as "The Voice," because it's the best voice ever. And the sexiest. It's dark, silky, and commands your attention. He can use it to arouse you, or lull you to sleep if he wants. It's also pretty scary sometimes.

Now, the major part of getting his voice right is the accent. We only know Snape's real voice by the movies, and since I'm pretty sure J.K. Rowling had Alan Rickman in mind when she wrote his character, I'm basing this off Alan Rickman's voice. He has a west London accent, since he was born in Hammersmith(coincidentally the same city Daniel Radcliffe and Hugh Grant were born), but to me, it sounds a bit like a Suffolk accent. I don't know, maybe I'm just imagining it. But, in Suffolk there's a city called Snape. So that's... pretty awesome. I want to live there.

So, you could either get accent lessons, or just watch tons of Rickman and Grant movies and go from there. Unless you're lucky and already have a West London accent. Then, of course, there's the deepness of his voice.

His voice is so deep, you can get lost in it. Try to develop somewhat of a monotone voice, but at the same time, you shouldn't sound bored. Does that make sense? It should be silky, cold, and striking. Put emphasis on any harsh word and the end of sentence. But you should always sound annoyed, and never let any softness or warmness into your voice. It should either be an angry, annoyed, or sarcastic tone. That's what makes Snape so badass.

Sometimes, though, when he's especially angry, his voice gets a bit nasal. You'd imagine, with the size of his nose, that he'd be a nose-breather. It's actually quite easy to get your voice nasal if it doesn't already do that when you get mad. I don't know how to explain it, though. It's just the kind of thing that seems to have a muscle on its own, and you're not really sure how you control it. Like how I can cross my eyes without looking at my nose, just by straining some muscle in my eyes. I suppose it has something to do with the way you intake air when you talk. It's somwhat high-pitched, and just focus your voice into nose.

Mouth Movement
You should have noticed that Snape doesn't move his mouth much. He avoid opening his mouth too much if he can help it, as most syllables can be pronounced without much lip movement. He speaks inside his mouth, and often through gritted teeth.

To others, it should look as if you aren't speaking at all. If you're whispering because you don't want something to be heard, they won't have any idea you're even talking. As much as he prefers to keep his mouth closed, though, he opens it huge when he yells. In the Chamber of Secrets when he's yelling at Ron and Harry, his face is screwed up with anger and his mouth is more open than ever.

Though he doesn't often open it vertically much, his mouth becomes quite wide, but usually only on one side. Watch the Chamber of Secrets, the part where Snape's dueling Gilderoy Lockhart. I'm sure we all remember how he says "Expelliarmus" rather strangely... That's what I mean.

Also, when making certain sounds, you should not that he does a sort of "duck lips" thing. I don't know why, but it's just really adorable. Watch some Snape scenes, and you'll get the picture.

Okay, so you guys can't control what voice you're born with. Some of us have high-pitched voices that we can't change, and maybe the best you can do is change your tone of voice. But the way Snape talks is unforgettable, and people will recognize it when they hear it.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Fanfiction Friday #5

A fellow Snape-obsessed friend gave me the link for this when we were discussing Snape over facebook. It's called Snape's Portrait, and in it, Harry goes to Snape's portrait in the Headmaster's office and talks to him.

My friend and I were talking about how we hate Harry for not thanking him in the Philosopher's Stone for saving his life, or apologizing after seeing his worst memory in the Order of the Phoenix.

J.K. Rowling really should have added something like this in the Epilogue, because it's amazing. It made me cry so much, as does most Snape fanfics I read... But this one is just too sad.

It's also a one-shot, and somewhat short, so I'll just give you the link.

The Bravest Link I Ever Knew:

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Snape Quote of the Week #4

"How come I saw through the snake's eyes if it's Voldemort's thoughts I'm sharing?"
"Do not say the Dark Lord's name!" spat Snape.

This is from The Order of the Phoenix in the chapter Occlumency, when Snape is first teaching him Occlumency. Now, Harry says that Dumbledore says his name, and Snape tells him that Dumbledore is a powerful wizard, then rubs his Dark Mark. I'd assume this implies that Death Eaters don't say his name, and instead have to call him the Dark Lord, but Snape's miles away frm him, and I don't see how Voldemort could know. Obviously, he's not doing it out of respect or fear, because he truly hates him. So there has to be a deeper reason as to why he doesn't want Harry to say his name. Perhaps he loathes Voldemort so much that he can't bear to hear his name. Or maybe, it has something to do with Harry's connection with Voldemort, and he's only looking out for him. Whatever it is, I'm sure it'd only make me love Snape more.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Snape Insults YOU #4

Snape Insults Ke$ha

I've told Mr Diggory and I've told you a thousand times, glittering is NOT permitted in the corridors! Now, scrub all that glue and body glitter off your person and put on you school robes! NO- You cannot rip your robes to make them more revealing! Fifty points from- wait, what House are you in? The Whore House? I'll just go with that. On that note, what the devil is even your surname?! You can't just be Ke Dollar Sign Ha... That would be absurd! And will you please turn off the autotune when you speak in my classroom?! Only I sound cool with autotune...

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Snape Video of the Week #4

Snape does the hair flip
This video is only 3 seconds long, but it's still awesome. I totally raped the "replay" button... about 394 times. It's fun to replay it over and over again... and you swoon every time. He just looks so sexy right there! There's not much else I can say except... watch it. A lot.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Weekly Snape-ly Event #4

Illustrator James Goodridge released Official concept art for the HP movies, including this:

It's a sneak peak of Snape as Headmaster of Hogwarts, with all the Death Eaters behind him, in Deathly Hallows Part 2.

Isn't it the most epic thing ever?!

He looks slightly reluctant to be letting all the Death Eaters, like it's his duty from the Dark Lord, but he really doesn't want to.

If you want to see more DH concept art, click on this link:

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Snape Picture of the Week #4

In case you didn't know, this is Snape from A Very Potter Musical. If you don't know what A Very Potter Musical is, you need to go drown in a lake. Or watch it, whichever. I LOVE AVPM so much,. and the portrayal of Snape in it is hilarious. This would be after the grvaeyard scene when Snape has cut his hand off, and comes back with hook-hand. Harry knows it must have been Snape in the graveyard, but Dumbledore said that Snape told he lost his hand in an accident. I don't know why, but his face in this shot is awesome and adorable.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

How To Be Like Snape #4

Get Hair Like Snape
I was going to do something better than this, but I have places to be and things to do, so I picked one that wouldn't require much time. Sorry.

As we all know, Snape's hair is extremely greasy. Some say it's because he doesn't take showers, but I say he takes plenty of showers, and it's because he just has naturally greasy hair that he can't help. Although, not taking showers would be a good way to get hair like him.

I have naturally greasy hair, which won't go away no matter how many showers I take. My parents make fun of me and constantly tell me it's gross, but I really don't mind. In fact, I consider myself quite lucky to have hair like Snape.

Well, it's not exactly like Snape's, because it isn't straight and it's not black. But at least I have one aspect right.

So to get it greasy enough, either don't take showers that often, or use hair creams that make your hair not frizzy and straight. Or, if you're lucky like me, just move onto the next step.

Snape has pure black hair, which is really rare. Most people will say they have black hair when they really just have dark brown hair. So you should probably dye it.

His hair is a bit past shoulder-length in the first movie, but you can tell he lets it grow out throughout the series. In the Half-Blood Prince, it's actually really long. So your hair has to be long, but not too long. I suggest letting it grow out to a few inches past your shoulders, but stopping it there.

You should also straighten it, or use a cream (like Chi) that'll keep it straight and greasy at the same time. However, allow you can tell there's a couple curls in Snape's hair sometimes, so it doesn't have to be completely straight.

Also, he parts his hair in the middle, so your hair should hang evenly on the sides.

Here's a pic so you'll have a good idea of what your hair should look like:
Okay, ignore the writing and focus on his hair, because it's awesome in this pic. (It's referencing Die Hard though, in case you didn't know.) It's cut from the DH movie poster, and it's really long here. Omg, I just love his hair so much. I want to feel it.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Fanfiction Friday #4

I know this is third week in a row that I've done a Snape/Hermione fic, and the second week in a row it's been a humor one, but this was too funny to not share with you guys.

It's called Old Spice Snape, and it's only one chapter. Trust me, it's hilarious, and you'll be wishing it could happen to you. Also, it's too short to say anymore without giving stuff away, so...

My Name is Harry Potter.

Hi, Harry. My name is Tom Riddle.

Do you know anything about the Chamber of Secrets?

No, but I have this awesome link to a fanfiction:

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Snape Quote of the Week #3

"Hang on..." Harry muttered to Ron. "There's an empty chair at the staff table... Where's Snape?"
Professor Snape was Harry's least favorite teacher. Harry also happened to be Snape's least favorite student. Cruel, sarcastic, and disliked by everybody except the students from his own house (Slytherin), Snpe taught Potions.
"Maybe he's ill!" said Ron hopefully.
"Maybe he's left," said Harry, "because he missed out on the Defense Against the Dark Arts job again!"
"Or he might have been sacked!" said Ron enthusiastically. "I mean, everyone hates him-"
"Or maybe, " said a very cold voice right behind them, "he's waiting to hear why you two didn't arrive on the school train."

As you should know, this is from the Chamber of Secrets when they arrive at the school in the Ford Anglia. I've memorized this by heart, because it's just so awesome. I can just imagine the looks on Harry's and Ron's faces when they heard Snape(which sucks because they didn't put this in the movie). Although, I always hate it whenever it says "Snape was Harry's least favorite teacher" in the books, bcause it says it a lot. I know it has to be emphasized that Harry hates him until the very end for literary reasons, but sometimes I just want to tell Harry why he shouldn't hate Snape.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Snape Insults YOU #3

Snape Insults Edward Cullen
Instead of a paragraph of cleverly personalized insults, I'll post a whole bunch of pictures I found of Snape dissing Edward, or Twilight in general.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Snape Video of the Week #3

Hogwarts Idol

It's actually part 3 of it, but this is by far the best part of it. Snape's part is the last, so if you only care about Snape, you could just skip to 3:21

But you still should watch the whole thing, because it's just plain awesome. When it gets to Snape and Voldemort's song, it's the kind of thing where it's pretty funny, but the pure epicness of it keeps you from laughing. I mean, the song totally fits them, and everything is timed perfectly. I've probably watched this over 20 times... Yeah, it's that awesome.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Weekly Snape-ly Event #3

You may or may not have heard of it, but there's this new thing called Magic is Might.

It's basically an Interactive Alternate-Universe online newspaper, and acts as if we're in the time slot that's the last four months of Deathly Hallows. It'll last until Deathly Hallows Part 2 comes out. Anyway, here's the part where Snape comes into this. Pretty much all of the characters that are still alive at this time (The Death Eaters, Hogwarts teachers, students, etc.) have their own official MiM facebook accounts, and you guessed it, Severus Snape has the most likes, with over 1,000.

Now, I have had multiple conversations with Severus Snape, and it feel so awesome to be talking to him. He, as well as the other MiM people, stay in character so well, it feels like you're actually talking to them...  So I consider him to be the real Snape.

Here is one of the conversations I've had with Severus Snape:

Quickly, everybody, hit the "like" button.

This is a social experiment. I'm curious to see if I have the following to take over for the Dark Lord if he ever decides to retire. Every Master of the Universe needs an heir, doesn't he?
    • Me: I'd very much prefer you as our leader than the Dark Lord...
    • Lord Voldemort (MiM) RETIRE? Such WIT, you have, Severus. Your dry sense of humour may get you into trouble someday.
    • Bellatrix Lestrange (MiM) Bad Severus. No cookies for you. *dislike* *dislike* *dislike* *dislike* *dislike* *dislike* *dislike* *dislike* *dislike* *dislike* *dislike* *dislike*
    • Severus Snape (MiM) I'm so glad you enjoy my sense of humour, My Lord. (I really just wanted to see how many people would hit the like button).
    • Lord Voldemort (MiM) Is that so? Curiosity killed the Death Eater, you know. Or at least Crucio'd him.
    • Me: Considering the fact that Severus here has about 100 more followers than you, my Lord, you might have better luck if you invested in a new nose... and a wig. And also some lotion... btw do you even have a bellybutton?
    • Bellatrix Lestrange (MiM) I think someone here is looking to be Crucio'd even more than Severus.
    • Lord Voldemort (MiM) Don't tell me you aren't attracted, Lori. You are obviously obsessed with my body.
    • Me: Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww... ew. Seriously, Professor Snape has long, dark hair, which is extremely sexy, and you have none. He has a large, angular, convex, hooked nose, which is also somehow sexy to me... and once again, you have none. A...nd his voice... well, I'm not gonna get into detail about the effect his voice has. Yours is just creepy. But you know, your 16-year-old self was pretty hot... too bad you had to go through the whole transformation thing. And you still didn't answer my question, Do you have a bellybutton?! I really want to know.
      Lord Voldemort (MiM) You call greasy hair and sallow skin sexy compared to myLord Voldemort (MiM) You call greasy hair and sallow skin sexy compared to my immortal snake-like form? (No offence, Severus.) I traded looking 'normal' for power, which is infinitely more attractive than physical appearance, though I consider myself physically beautiful in all my dark glory. If you are that curious about the bellybutton, I can show you in person.
    • Bellatrix Lestrange (MiM) Master.... ~pouts~ you don't want to show HER... she's not worthy... really.
    • Me: Er... I'd rather not. It's just that the whole "re-birth" thing in the graveyard didn't involve an umbilical cord, so I didn't think you'd have a bellybutton. And while I agree that power is infinitely attractive, Severus has more than enough physical sexiness to account for it. Besides, he has infinite power... over my hormones.
    • Severus Snape (MiM) Merlin, people. This certainly wasn't meant to start a sparring match between all of you and the Dark Lord. I was just messing with your heads.

      Please, when you are on my wall show the utmost respect for the Dark Lord.
    • Bellatrix Lestrange (MiM) Oh look... Severus has a bit of sense, after all. How surprising.
    • Me:  Eh, well how often you get to say you've had an argument with the Dark Lord and lived? Lord Voldemort (MiM) You have a point
I got rid of all the posts not made by me, Severus, Lord Voldemort, or Bellatrix, because they didn't matter. Things can get pretty hilarious on facebook with them.
So far, I've won 1,000 points for Slytherin from Snape for making him laugh out loud(Yeah, I didn't know he could laugh either).
Also, I posted about this blog on his wall and he actually shared it as a status with the exact words: "A blog all about me... What could possibly be more fascinating?" I think I'm one of his favorite students so far.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Snape Picture of the Week #3

I'm trying to keep a good balance of sexy, sad, and hilarious pictures on here. This is one of the hilarious ones.

Believe it or not(but you probably do), there are A LOT of "Snape Swagger" pictures. But I decided to use this one.

So as you probably noticed, the original pictures were from the Philosopher's Stone, during Harry's first Potions class. And we all can remember too well how Professor Snape started to stand up and slide his hands across his chest suggestively, only to pull his cape inward and fold his arms. I always wondered if the director had him do that on purpose, or if it was Rickman's own idea. Either way, I'm glad they did.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

How To Be Like Snape #3

Dress Like Snape
How are you supposed to put off that dark, evilish aura without the right clothes?

For starters, Snape wears a high-neck jacket with a lot of buttons. No one should be able to see your neck, or really any of your body. To compensate for that, his outfit it really tight. Now, we've really never seen what is under that jacket, but I imagine it's just a black button-up shirt. And then of course, the black underpants and dragon hide boots. And during potions class, he wears dragon hide gloves.

MOST IMPORTANTLY, he has a long, billowing cape. It has to extend to the floor, and still have a couple feet left to drag on the floor. There's nothing sexier than Snape sauntering down the corridors of Hogwarts, his cape billowing behind him.

If you don't own anything of this sort, it's fine if the best you can do is just wear all black. When you're a huge black spot in the middle of a vibrantly colored street(or hallway, whatever), people have no choice to to be slightly intimidated. Your demeanor should be enough to ruin everyone's day, but also attract a lot of people, because darkness is sexy.

But still, it's good to have a long, black cloak, at least. It shouldn't be that expensive. It's pretty much just a long jacket.

Either way, remember; black is everything.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Fanfiction Friday #3

This week, I present you with a humor fic! It's called Here Comes the Snake, and is technically a Snape/Hermione fic, but it's mostly about Snape trying to protect his balls.

It's actually pretty hilarious, and well thought-out. I can tell the author put a lot of thinking into the plot... even though it's not much of a plot.

For those of you who are like me, and cry profusely at a good Snape/Lily story(but love to read them nevertheless), then this story is good comic relief. It's only 2 chapters, so it's not too long, it has enough Snape in it to satisfy your needs, and not too much Snape/Hermione, so you Hardcore Snily Shippers won't feel bad for reading it.

The Link is Property of The Half-Blood Prince:

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Snape Quote of the Week #2

"Mr. Moony presents his compliments to Professor Snape and begs him to keep his abnormally large nose out of other people's business."
"Mr. Prongs agrees with Mr. Moony, and would like to add that Professor Snape is an ugly git."
"Mr. Padfoot would like to register his astonishment that an idiot like that ever became a professor."
"Mr. Wormtail bids Professor Snape good day, and advises him to wash his hair, the slimeball." -The Prisoner of Azkaban, Ch. 14

This is from when Snape finds Harry wandering in the hallways, and sees the Marauder's Map, but doesn't know what it is. Now, this quote makes me really mad, because I completely disagree with every one of those statements. While he does have an abnormally large nose, it's awesome(and sexy) and has every right to be in other people's business! And he is definitely NOT an ugly git! They're just jealous of how unconventionally sexy he his. Third, he is far from being an idiot! He's obviously such a genius... I mean, he had to be to invent his own freaking spells! And as for his hair, it's not his fault! He just has naturally greasy hair! I'm sure he takes a shower everyday, but there's nothing he can do about it!

It's also sort of sad, because that was the basis of all of Snape's childhood bullying, so I can't even imagine how mad he felt about that.

Also, Harry later finds out that those were the nicknames of his dad and his friends, so how did he not put it together and realize that Snape was teased by James, Sirius, and Lupin? Did he think Snape must have done something to deserve it? Ugh... either way, that makes me mad.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Snape Insults YOU #2

This week, I picked the obvious.

Snape insults Justin Bieber

"I understand, Miss Bieber, that yesterday was your birthday... however, no one cares. How old are you now... seven? I'm afraid- no, actually, I'm quite glad that you must take the Hogwarts Express back to fairyland, along with Diggory, as sparkling in the corridors is quite against the rules. Actually, perhaps you should take up residence in the Forbidden Forest... There are many fairies in there, Miss Bieber. *cough cough*and werewolves*cough cough* You might want to add a couple dragon testicles to that growth potion, Bieber. Your voice could use it. And what kind of haircut is that?! Why don't you let it grow out, so it can be like mine? *hair whip*"

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Snape Video of the Week #2

The Snape Song

This has got to be one of the best videos EVER.

Even though it doesn't rhyme, doesn't have original music, and isn't even really a song, it's the kind of thing you just have to watch over and over again until you memorize it. At least, that's what I did. ^_^

But there's no way you could watch this just once... In fact, I wish they had this on iTunes.

Bottle fame, Bottle fame... Boomslang skin? Bottle fame, Bottle fame... Lacewing flies?

Speaking of which, he shouldn't care about the lacewing flies, because according to Hermione in CS, you can those in the student cupboard.