Friday, June 17, 2011

Fanfiction Friday #18

Sorry it's so late in the day, guys, but I was busy writing my own fanfiction.

For the first time, I have a crossover fic. And yes, it's a crossover with Twilight. But never fear, Snape's not paired with anyone... That would be disgusting. Actually, it's a Humor fic called Sparkles. It's one chapter, and it's not that long, but it's worth a read. Technically, you might not even consider it a crossover. There are only Twilight characters in an implied sense... And if I said anything else, I'd be giving away too much. Just go read it.

You know how when Voldemort "killed" Cedric Diggory, he became a vampire? Well, when he hit that one random tombstone, it turned into this link: