Thursday, March 17, 2011

Snape Quote of the Week #4

"How come I saw through the snake's eyes if it's Voldemort's thoughts I'm sharing?"
"Do not say the Dark Lord's name!" spat Snape.

This is from The Order of the Phoenix in the chapter Occlumency, when Snape is first teaching him Occlumency. Now, Harry says that Dumbledore says his name, and Snape tells him that Dumbledore is a powerful wizard, then rubs his Dark Mark. I'd assume this implies that Death Eaters don't say his name, and instead have to call him the Dark Lord, but Snape's miles away frm him, and I don't see how Voldemort could know. Obviously, he's not doing it out of respect or fear, because he truly hates him. So there has to be a deeper reason as to why he doesn't want Harry to say his name. Perhaps he loathes Voldemort so much that he can't bear to hear his name. Or maybe, it has something to do with Harry's connection with Voldemort, and he's only looking out for him. Whatever it is, I'm sure it'd only make me love Snape more.