Sunday, March 20, 2011

Snape Picture of the Week #5

Okay, so I know I made this picture bigger than I normally would, but it's just too epic to keep small.

And I know some people are annoyed by the word "epic," but this is definitely not a misuse of the word. This is truly one of the most epic Snape pictures I've ever. I want to meet the person who made this and thank them. I love how they blended the pictures of Snape and Hogwarts burning in the background... it's just so amazing. I want to know how people do that though, because I have no idea how to edit pictures like that.

I also love the quote used i it... I really love Snape pictures that involve quotes from the book, because they're usually sad. And this one is pretty sad too. Especially because of the look on Snape's face. (Both of them.) It's just so intense...

Well, those are all the words I can use to describe this picture. Except, one more... Sexy.