Saturday, June 11, 2011

Snape Products You Should Totally Buy #3

I recently discovered the best thing ever. Snape pillowcases. Who wouldn't want a Snape pillowcase? That way, you're literally sleeping ON HIS FACE. And you can snuggle him in your sleep... and kiss him. That's not weird, right?

And the first thing you'll see when you wake up is his face. Oh, what I wouldn't do for a Snape pillowcase...

But luckily, no virgin sacrifices in a volcano or satanic rituals are required, because you can buy them here, on Ebay. If you don't have an Ebay account, make one. Or get a friend that has one, and make them order it for you. The point is, Snape pillowcases are essential for every Snape fan to have.