Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Snape Video of the Week #6

Snape Song- Let Me Penetrate You
Yet another Snape song! I don't know if it was originally made by the same person that made the other, but I still love it!

If you went straight to the page on Youtube, you'd notice that the majority of the comments say something like "You can penetrate me anytime, Snape ;)"... And one of them was mine. I think we all would.

But I don't think Snape would want to penetrate Harry, who it seems the song is about... O_o You won't believe how many Snape/Harry fics I've found, and how many of them are non-consensual... *shudders*

Nevertheless, this is hilarious! Like all the others, I've completely memorized it... And I get wierd looks whenever I sing it. :D