Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Snape Video of the Week #13

Bravest Man I Ever Knew- Ministry of Magic

Another Ministry of Magic song about Snape! This is definitely my Number 1 favorite song of ALL TIME. If you haven't heard it, crawl out from the rock you've been hiding under.

I can't get enough of this song... It utilizes the best quotes ever in musical form. The first few times I listened to it, I cried. Hard. But even though it's super sad, I got used to it eventually. Although, at random times, I cry while listening to it. It's super up-beat, too, which makes it super awesome.

I respect that everyone has their own opinion and while I think it would be boring if everyone had the same favorite character, I don't understand how anyone can read the entire series and not love Snape. Those people need to listen to this song a shitload of times, and then they'll love him.