Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Snape Video of the Week #28

'Gone' - The Prince's Tale

In case you didn't know, this is Lauren Fairweather, who is the lead singer for The Moaning Myrtles. I haven't listened to much of their music, so I can't really give an opinion, but I do love this song. I think it perfectly portrays Severus's feelings about finally getting away from his abusive households and setting off with Lily to Hogwarts. I think that's the same way a lot of us feel, minus the abusive household part. Well, maybe some of us still have that... But anyway, I find this song very adorable.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Weekly Snape-ly Event #28

Nothing in the real world concerning our beloved Snape has happened lately, but for all of you RPers out there, I have news (sort of) that should interest you.

I mentioned Horcruxes & Hallows a while ago, I'm pretty sure. I'm not going to go into detail about it again, though. Anyway, my character had this really dramatic scene with Snape after he came back from the dead, and he started working for and living with her. Well, she very recently admitted that she loves him, and really good things happened. Really good things.

You can read the entire comment thread here: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Lori-Martin-HH/256337074376494#!/permalink.php?story_fbid=213367498718954&id=189815024407535

I know it's only a game, but this makes me really happy. And you should all be jealous.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Snape Picture of the Week #28

I can't believe I haven't posted this yet... I'm surprised at myself. Anyway, I made this several months ago. I've seen others sort of like this, like 'Keep Calm and Trust Snape' and 'Keep Calm and Forgive Snape', but I like this one better. There's not a problem in the world that can't be fixed by snogging Snape. ^_^

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Snape Theory of the Week #7

Does Snape Have Facial Hair?

Ah, the ancient question. I was pretty confused about this for a while at some point. The thing is, there is no contextual evidence to Snape having any facial hair, but there isn't any evidence to him not having facial hair either.

One of the main things about this is that the illustrator for the American copies of the books always draws Snape with a goatee and mustache. I really don't like the way he's drawn, though... He looks like this in the chapter illustrations:

Everyt time I get to this chapter, I just groan inwardly and I'm all, "Ugh, why'd they have to draw him so ugly? This doesn't even make any sense--why would he even look like that? And why the hell is he sticking out his pinky like that?"

I suppose people might assume that Snape has a goatee because it makes him look more evil. But then again, if he had an evil goatee, wouldn't he be twisting it around his finger all the time to emphasize how evil he is? You know... like Jafar from Alladin? Now that I think about it, Snape needs a talking parrot for a pet. Or a talking bat.

But seriously, I cannot imagine Snape with any facial hair at all. That would make it harder to kiss him... And I really don't find facial hair attractive unless it's just stubble. Or the various goatees that Alan Rickman has had in his movies. That's probably part of it... Alan Rickman as Snape has no facial hair, and Alan Rickman is Snape, so therefore, Snape is clean-shaven. He probably gets shaved at Sweeny Todd's Barber Shop.

I suppose there are still plenty of people that remain convinced that Snape has some sort of facial hair, but I don't. Let's just agree to disagree.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Fanfiction Friday #28

I am so glad that it's Friday you wouldn't believe it. I just got through my first week back at school and it felt like it lasted forever.

Anyway, I have a Humor fic today, and it's possibly the funniest thing I've ever read. It's called Care and Feeding of Your Severus Snape, and is an instruction manual rather than a story.

Since it has no plot, all else I can tell you is that you may pee your pants while reading it. If you're in the mood for a laugh, READ IT.

Somewhere hidden in a hollow tree in the forests of Albania... is this link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6642355/1/Care_and_Feeding_of_Your_Severus_Snape

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Snape Quote of the Week #27

  "So, he said softly, "the train isn't good enough for the famous Harry Potter and his faithful sidekick Weasley. Wanted to arrive with a bang, did we, boys?"
  "No, sir, it was the barrier at King's Cross, it--"
  "Silence!" said Snape coldly. "What have you done with the car?"
  Ron gulped. This wasn't the first time Snape had given Harry the impression of being able to read minds. But a moment later, he understood, as Snape unrolled today's issue of the Evening Prophet.
  "You were seen," he hissed, showing them the headline: FLYING FORD ANGLIA MYSTEFIES MUGGLES. He began to read aloud: "Two Muggles in London, convinced they saw an old care flying over the Post Office tower... at noon in Norfolk, Mrs. Hetty Bayliss, while hanging out her washing... Mr. Angus Fleet, of Peebles, reported to police... Six or seven Muggles in all. I believe your father works in the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office?" he said, looking up at Ron and smiling still more nastily. "Dear, dear... his own son..."
  Harry felt as though he'd just been walloped in the stomach by one of the mad tree's larger branches. If anyone found out Mr. Weasley had bewitched the car... he hadn't thought of that...
  "I noticed, in my search of the park, that considerable damage seems to have been done to a very valuable Whomping Willow," Snape went on.
  "That tree did more damage to us than we--" Ron blurted out.
  "Silence!" snapped Snape again. "Most unfortunately, you are not in my House and the decision to expel you does not rest with me, I shall go and fetch the people who do have that happy power. You will wait here."
~Chamber of Secrets, Ch. 5 "The Whomping Willow"

I love this part so much... But just like I did a few weeks ago, rather than analyzing it, I'll just give you a snippet of my fanfiction (in which I'm rewriting the entire series from Snape's point of view), because my version of that scene is basically an analysis on its own.

             Without telling Dumbledore or anyone else where he was going, he stood up from his seat and exited the Great Hall through the door behind the Staff Table. As he did, he could hear Lockhart saying something like, “Going to change into something more fanciful, Professor? Excellent idea!”
 Severus knew that if Potter had taken the car, which he was one-hundred percent sure of, it should be arriving soon, if it hadn’t already… The first thing that came to his mind was to head straight up to the Astronomy Tower, where he would be able to see nearly all of Hogwarts, but he changed direction in mid-step, realizing that he would waste time getting up there, and that he would do better to just do a full search of the grounds.
            From the great oak doors, he prowled every inch possible, using his acute senses to detect movement or whispers… but there was nothing. The sky was empty but for stars… there were no Ford Anglias flying towards the castle. Severus found nothing near the lake, Quidditch field, or greenhouses, but as he neared the shallow valley in which he knew the Whomping Willow to be planted, he heard rustling and scraping noises gradually becoming louder…
            He didn’t have to guess what it meant when he found the Willow thrashing about violently, looking eerie at dusk… Something had recently disrupted it, and he knew what that something was. Severus flicked his wand, causing a stick to fly and hit a certain knot on the trunk, and the thrashing ceased immediately. Before he could continue on to find the boys he’d been searching for, however, he noticed that several branches on the Whomping Willow were broken… And there were deep gouges in the trunk where it looked like something sharp had dug into the wood…
            It wasn’t necessarily the tree he cared about, especially since it had played its part in one of his worst memories… But this was a very rare and valuable tree, and it was Hogwarts property. As it must have been Potter and Weasley that had damaged it while flying in, that was another offense right there… Oh, it was bliss to think of what would happen to them. But—where were they, and where was the car?
            That was easily answered as Severus completed his circle around the castle to see two figures silhouetted against the brightly lit windows of the Great Hall. Once within hearing distance, he could hear Weasley saying in a hopeful voice, “Maybe he’s ill!”
            “Maybe he’s left, because he missed out on the Defense Against the Dark Arts job again!” said Potter, and now Severus knew who they were talking about.
            “Or he might have been sacked! I mean, everyone hates him—”
            “Or maybe,” Severus said coldly, now directly behind them. “he’s waiting to hear why you two didn’t arrive on the school train.” He smiled evilly at the pure fear and dread they were sure to be feeling at the unexpected sound of his voice, and was not proven wrong when Potter spun around to see him. The boys’ eyes held a look of absolute horror.
            “Follow me,” said Severus, immediately spinning around to make his way up the stone steps, his robes rippling behind him in the September breeze. He led them across the Entrance Hall and down the dungeon staircase, finally ending up at his office door. Opening it, he pointed inside and said sharply, “In!” They obeyed, and Severus noticed with satisfaction that they were shivering. He could have lit the fire and made it warmer, but he wanted to let them freeze.
            “So, the train isn’t good enough for the famous Harry Potter and his faithful sidekick Weasley,” Severus said, using his softly dangerous voice. “Wanted to arrive with a bang, did we, boys?”
            Despite the look he was giving them and the fear it usually induced in students, Potter stared back with defiance rather than dread, and went straight to making excuses. “No, sir, it was the barrier at King’s Cross, it—”
            “Silence!” he demanded, his dark eyes harboring nothing but coldness. “What have you done with the car?” Without waiting for either of them to answer, as he knew they wouldn’t, he pulled from his robes the Evening Prophet he had received earlier, shoved it in their face so they could see the title, and hissed, “You were seen.” When he saw their renewed expressions of dread, he pulled it back to himself and began to read aloud the parts he deemed important.
            “Two Muggles in London, convinced they saw an old car over the Post Office tower… at noon in Norfolk, Mrs. Hetty Bayliss, while hanging out her washing… Mr. Angus Fleet, of Peebles, reported to police… Six or seven Muggles in all,” he finished, then turned to Weasley, smiling nastily. “I believe your father works in the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office? Dear, dear… his own son… I noticed,” he went on, “in my search of the park, that considerable damage seems to have been done to a very valuable Whomping Willow.”
            The ginger looked indignant. “That tree did more damage to us than we—”
            Silence! Most unfortunately, you are not in my House and the decision to expel you does not rest with me. I shall go and fetch the people who do have that happy power. You will wait here.” Severus opened his office door once more and, as he returned to the Great Hall, felt the undeniable urge to throw back his head and laugh. Finally… I can finally get rid of them! Even if Voldemort does return, Potter will be far away from here, where he does not, by any means, deserve to be… And he’ll be with his aunt and uncle, and he’ll be completely safe there, and I won’t have to do a damn thing…
            At the moment, this seemed completely logical to Severus. That kid was a danger to himself and everyone around him… just look at the bloody stunt he just pulled! He and his friend could have died, but did Potter care? Obviously not… and the year before, he broke at least fifty school rules, so he’d definitely be inclined to break more. The fact that he had escape Lord Voldemort once again was pure luck and help from him, no talent or skill on the boy’s part at all… How could he possibly be destined to destroy him? Even if he was, wouldn’t he be much safer away from Hogwarts? Wasn’t he doing that ungrateful brat a favor?
            And even aside from this, Severus knew that he just plain hated Potter. He hated to see the man that tortured him for so many years in boy form, walking into his class, glaring at him with hatred just as his father did… And he hated that he had Lily’s eyes. Oh, he loved Lily’s eyes, but he couldn’t bear to look into them when they were in James Potter’s body. Seeing him every day was nothing more or less than a stab, a reminder of why his life took this turn. But now, he would never have to see him again, he was sure of it…
            He knew Dumbledore never wanted to do it this way, but did the Headmaster even have a choice anymore? Severus had a valid reason for expelling him, and even that crazy old man wouldn’t be able to deny it.
            In about five minutes, he had made it back through the staffroom and entered the Great Hall behind the staff table. The banquet had clearly already started.
            “Headmaster, Minerva, I’ve found Potter and Weasley,” he told them, eliciting raised eyebrows as they turned to face him. “I daresay you noticed neither of them are here?” By their expressions, it seemed that they actually hadn’t.
            “Where are they, Severus?” asked Dumbledore.
            “In my office, awaiting our return…” McGonagall and Dumbledore stood at once, though somewhat confused, and Severus gestured for them to leave through the door behind them first. Realizing that Vesperra must be wondering where he had left to, he sought to quickly find her face in the sea of Slytherins, but half a second proved not long enough and he had to leave.
            Not that he was at all reluctant to return to his office. On the way back, he told the two of them his version of events—how he realized that Potter and his friend hadn’t arrived on the train, his search of the castle, and the damage done to the Whomping Willow. Rather than accompanying them down to the dungeons, Dumbledore said that he must go see the Willow for himself, but that he’d return shortly, and headed for the front doors.
            As they proceeded to enter Severus’s office, Minerva’s lips were thinner than ever. Severus stood by the closed door and folded his arms while she pointed her wand at the grate, and flames erupted inside it.
            “Sit.” said McGonagall. The boys backed into two chairs by the fire, which only made Severus angrier. They didn’t deserve the luxury of sitting down in his comfortable chairs. Those were his chairs, and he didn’t want the boys to get their filth all over them. But he couldn’t complain—this would likely be the last time he ever saw them.
            “Explain.” she said.
            “We were really late to King’s Cross station,” said Weasley imploringly. “And me and Harry had to wait to cross the barrier last, but when we did, we couldn’t get through! We crashed into it like it was solid wall—it worked for the rest of my family, but it just sealed itself against us! It was already eleven then, so we had no choice, Professor, we couldn’t get on the train.
            Before he could continue with their explanation, McGonagall turned to Potter and said, “Why didn’t you send us a letter by owl? I believe you have an owl?”
            Potter’s expression at the moment proved just how clueless he was, as well as Severus’s belief that he didn’t deserve to attend Hogwarts. “I—I didn’t think—”
            “That,” said McGonagall, “is obvious.”
            There was a knock on the door, which Severus was ready for, and he opened it, unable to suppress the happiness on his face. It was Dumbledore, as expected, and he was looking grave from what he had observed of the Whomping Willow as he stepped in. In the silence that followed, Severus was growing impatient. This is it… he’s going to expel them, and I’ll never have to see them again…
            “Please explain why you did this,” said Dumbledore at last.
            This time, Potter did the explaining. He told the Headmaster everything his friend had already said, and then continued with the story—“So we didn’t have any other way to get to Hogwarts, and we took the flying car… And we tried to make sure no Muggles would see us, with the Invisibility Booster, but it stopped working, so we stayed in the clouds… And then the engine stopped working properly once we got near Hogwarts, so we couldn’t control it—sir—and we crashed right into the Whomping Willow… It wrecked the car, and when we finally got away, the car threw our trunks out and drove itself into the Forbidden Forest.” When he finished, there was another short silence where Dumbledore merely peered at them, and Severus felt so happy he could have done a victory dance.
            “We’ll go and get our stuff,” Weasley said, starting to stand up from the chair.
            “What are you talking about, Weasley?” barked McGonagall, and Severus’s triumphant smirk faltered, the glint in his eye disappearing somewhat.
            “Well, you’re expelling us, aren’t you?”
            Both Potter and Severus looked quickly to Dumbledore, the latter thinking and expressing with the mad look in his eyes, Aren’t you?!
            “Not today, Mr. Weasley,” said Dumbledore, and Severus’s smirk vanished altogether, now replaced with a look of utter disbelief and horror. “But I must impress upon both of you the seriousness of what you have done. I will be writing to both your families tonight. I must also warn you that if you do anything like this again, I will have no choice but to expel you.”
            ‘Again’? Why not now?! Haven’t they had enough bloody chances?! Closing his mouth, which he realized was hanging open, Severus cleared his throat and tried to speak without losing his temper. “Professor Dumbledore, these boys have flouted the Decree for the Restriction of Underage Wizardry, caused serious damage to an old and valuable tree—surely acts of this nature—”
            “It will be for Professor McGonagall to decide on these boys’ punishments, Severus,” said Dumbledore calmly. “They are in her House and therefore her responsibility.” He turned to McGonagall. “I must go back to the feast, Minerva, I’ve got to give out a few notices. Come, Severus, there’s a delicious-looking custard tart I want to sample—”
            Before following him, Severus shot Potter and Weasley a look more venomous than even he thought possible. As they walked back to the Great Hall, Dumbledore was smiling, despite the fact that the man next to him was fuming.
            “You’re the Headmaster…” Severus was saying, struggling against his urge to yell. “You can expel them if it’s something like this… He’s his father all over again—”
            “We have discussed this, Severus,” said Dumbledore. “And do you really think he deserves to leave Hogwarts for being like James?”
            You know what I mean!” It infuriated him that the Headmaster would mention that man by his first name. “How many times did Potter and Black deserve to be expelled for something they did, but weren’t? How many times did you give them another chance—even after they tried to kill me?”
            “You know I believe in second chances, Severus… otherwise, you wouldn’t be here.” Dumbledore said, one hand on the doorknob that would lead them to the Staff Table in the Great Hall, at which Severus stopped retorting. “It is essential that Harry Potter continue his education at Hogwarts, you know this. You won’t be able to shirk your duties this easily… Nice try, though.” With a reassuring smile that didn’t work whatsoever, he opened the door and the two took their seats once more.

So... yeah, I included a lot more than just that particular quote. But I needed to include the rest for explanation.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Snape Video of the Week #27

Severus Snape - Stupefy You

This is, in my opinion, the best song parody ever. I love the original song, but this is so awesome, especially since Snape sings it.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Weekly Snape-ly Event #27

So, today was my first day back at school for my Sophomore year... Ugh, I hate Muggle school. But anyway, I actually have two good bits of news today... but you probably know them already. Whatever.

You may have seen the video 'How Harry Potter Should Have Ended', because it went viral recently. So viral, in fact, that many news sites and blogs have posted articles about it. I'm linking you guys to the MTV one, because they make some good points about why this ending is so good: http://moviesblog.mtv.com/2011/08/19/harry-potter-alternate-ending-is-this-how-it-should-have-ended/

I just can't get enough of that video. It's hilariously epic. The best part about it is that Snape lives.

Secondly, the semifinals for the poll I told you guys about last week is going on, and Alan made it! He's currently winning against Benedict Cumberbatch. Don't let him lose... http://blogs.bbcamerica.com/anglophenia/2011/08/19/vote-in-the-anglo-fan-favorites-tournament-rickman-vs-cumberbatch-firth-vs-tennant/2/#photo

And while you're there, make sure to vote for David Tennant against Colin Firth, too!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Snape Picture of the Week #27

I feel like it's been too long since I posted a sexy picture of Snape... Well, there you go. Just look at him... in all his shirtless glory. One of the best things about this is that I'm pretty sure it's completely drawn and not photoshopped. Even if it is photoshopped, it's still freaking awesome. And the sexiest thing in the world.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Snape Theory of the Week #6

Was Snape Draco's Godfather?

This is a question that has been asked a lot, primarily because Sirius is Harry's Godfather. Snape was probably Lucius's best friend, just like Sirius was James's best friend, so it would make a lot of sense. I mean, I can totally imagine Lucius and Narcissa asking Snape to be the Godfather of their son, and that may be why Draco seems to be his favorite student. However, that may just be because he's the son of an old friend as well as a Slytherin (plus, he hates Harry a lot). And if you read my fanfiction, you'll notice that I'm completely contradicting myself, but whatever.

But then again, if Snape was Draco's Godfather, that probably would have been mentioned in HBP when Narcissa is asking him to protect Draco. Most likely, actually. Plus, it's likely that people only think this is true because that's the way it is in a lot of fanfiction.

So, as far as my own opinion goes, I think that they asked him to be the Godfather, but he refused, not wanting any sort of obligation to protect Draco in the future.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Fanfiction Friday #27

So, I have another Snape/Hermione fic - wait for it - but it's not a romance. It's... well, it's not classified by the author, but I would consider it a Friendship/Hurt/Comfort type fic.

Basically, it's just after the Final Battle, and it's slightly AU, because Hermione's dying. Hermione and Snape weave in and out of death, and talk to each other as they wait for death to finally take them. It's somewhat sad, but extremely well-written. I'm so serious about that it's not even funny. I love this person's writing style so much. It's comparable to J.K. Rowling's. I can't believe it only has 55 reviews. It deserves way more.

It's a very long one-shot called Where the Breezes Know My Name, and it's Rated K+ so there's nothing inappropriate whatsoever in it. I absolutely loved it, and no matter what you ship, you should all love it as well.

Take... it... Take the link to this fanfiction: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4166863/1/Where_The_Breezes_Know_My_Name

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Snape Quote of the Week #26

  Snape strode forward, past Dumbledore, pulling up the left sleeve of his robes as he went. He stuck out his forearm and showed it to Fudge, who recoiled.
  "There," said Snape harshly. "There. The Dark Mark. It is not as clear as it was an hour ago, when it burned black, but you can still see it. Every Death Eater had the sign burned into him by the Dark Lord. It was a means of distinguishing one another, and his means of summoning us to him. When he touched the Mark of any Death Eater, we were to Disapparate, and Apparate, instantly, at his side. The Mark has been growing clearer all year. Karkaroff's too. Why do you think Karkaroff fled tonight? We both felt the Mark burn. We both knew he had returned. Karkaroff fears the Dark Lord's vengeance. He betrayed too many of his fellow Death Eaters to be sure of a welcome back into the fold."
~Goblet of Fire, Ch. 36 "The Parting of the Ways"

This is probably the most Snape's ever said at one time (not including lectures in Potions class). Usually, he doesn't go into full-out explanations like the other characters do, since he doesn't like people to know anything even remotely personal about him. I can't imagine how angry and frustrated he must be to just explain all of this to Fudge, and especially in front of Harry.

At this point, I'm pretty sure a lot of you were all, "OMG I KNEW IT SNAPE'S A DEATH EATER! (Well, he was a Death Eater, but still..." And it was at this point that the huge debate really started--Is Snape on the good or the bad side?

And I can't help but wonder how much it hurts when the Dark Mark burns. I'd also like to know how Voldemort gives his Death Eaters the Dark Mark... That's probably really painful too. And do you have to touch it intending to call Voldemort in order to actually call him, or can you just touch it on accident? Because if it calls him whenever you touch it at all, then what happens if you accidentally touch it while you're in the shower...?

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Snape Video of the Week #26

Severus Snape/Everybody: SLASH & CRACK

This is too funny not to post. XD In case you don't get it, here's the video description: 

Everybody want to get inside Severus Snape. They try to catch Severus's attention in every possible way, they fight with each other for Severus, but only Harry Potter knows how to get Severus's ass... When Severus starts to walk strangely the next day and Harry tells everybody what he did to Snape, people get angry and frustrated that "this bloody Potter" always wins... ^_^

First of all, this song in a video about Snape is just bloody hilarious. Second, this video is awesomely made. I love the clever way this person edited clips from the movies... Sorry, but I can't help but appreciate really good editing. And third, this video is so accurate. Because everyone wants to get inside Severus Snape. Or rather, have Severus Snape inside them.


Monday, August 15, 2011

Weekly Snape-ly Event #26

Is it me, or did last week go by really fast? It's probably just me, because school starts in a week for me, and the Universe has a cruel way of making time speed up when you really don't want it to.

Anyway, BBC America has 'Fan Favorites' vote going on for mostly British actors. And that includes Alan Rickman. They're doing it sort of like the Harry Potter World Cup Tournament, with rounds and quarterfinals and such. They're currently in the quarterfinals, and Alan Rickman's up against Richard Armitage. The results are currently hidden, but the last time it was available, Alan was losing by a couple thousand. Guys, we can NOT let Alan lose!

And while you're voting for Alan, you should participate in the other voting as well. Be sure to choose David Tennant over Michael Fassbender. David was Barty Crouch Jr. AND The freaking Doctor!

Here's the link: http://blogs.bbcamerica.com/anglophenia/2011/08/12/vote-in-the-anglo-fan-favorites-quarterfinals-men-of-2011/5/#photo

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Snape Picture of the Week #26

Another Snape and Lily picture! I really love this one, because Snape and Lily are just so sweet together. And the way they're looking at each other... their love is so obvious. I bet they had a nice spot near the lake like that where they hung out (and possibly snogged) all the time... I just love the scenery in this pic. Aside from all else, it's really well done. I also love the way Snape is sitting. He's so adorable.

Plus, the picture frame thing makes it even sweeter. Snape likely kept a picture of Lily under his pillow or on his nightstand or something... :'(

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Snape Theory of the Week #5

Did Snape really hate Gryffindor House?

Now, this is one thing that I was a little confused about for a while. I mean, he loved Lily, and Lily was a Gryffindor, so perhaps he only pretends to hate Gryffindor. Because he's definitely not thick enough to still think all Gryffindors are bad when the only thing he ever loved was in that House.

But then again, all of his childhood tormentors were in Gryffindor... So it balances out. Well, it does more than balance it. And plus, he probably hates all Gryffindors because they remind him too much of Lily. Think about it- the Trio especially. I bet he hates them because together, they make Lily. Harry is her son and has her eyes, Ron has her hair, and Hermione is a smart Muggleborn. And they're all Gryffindors. So if Hermione had Harry's eyes and Ron's hair color... She'd almost be Lily. Sort of.

Another thing, do you suppose Snape noticed that Ginny is a lot like Lily? Not just her hair, but her attitude too... If he even knew, then he definitely hated that Ginny was with Harry. That would have been exactly like seeing Lily and James together.

I'm sorry this is so short, but there isn't much reasoning that could be said for this. I suppose it's my fault for using it in the first place. Yeah, I was a bit lazy tonight.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Fanfiction Friday #26

I found what is possibly the best Snape/Lily fic of all time. It's called The Moment It Began, and you may have heard of it, since it has over 5000 reviews. I would say it's sort of a mix of A Life Worth Dying For and Always and Never (which was renamed to The Difference Between Us), because in it, Snape is offered another chance at life after he dies, since he deserved it for being so brave. (Like ALWDF) And he's sent back to the day of his worst memory, where he makes sure that he doesn't call Lily a Mudblood. (Like TDBU, obviously.)

It's only rated T, so it's appropriate for everyone (I mean, if you can't even read T rated fics, you shouldn't be on this blog). And it's finished, which over 100 chapters. There's also a sequel, called The Moment It Ended. I love this fic so freaking much, because it's so well-written and I really love to think that Severus got to live his life over again. If my fic someday becomes as famous as this one, I will die happy.

If you love Snape, there's really nothing keeping you from reading this. Even if you're not a Snily shipper, read it. You will become a Snily shipper after reading it.

*After having your happiness drained by Dementors on the Hogwarts Express...*
Read this fanfiction, you'll feel better. http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3735743/1/The_Moment_It_Began

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Snape Quote of the Week #25

  Snape and Filch were inside, alone. Snape was holding his robes above his knees. One of his legs was bloody and mangled. Filch was handing Snape bandages.
  "Blasted thing," Snape was saying. "How are you supposed to keep your eyes on all three heads at once?
  Harry tried to shut the door quietly, but--
  Snape's face was twisted with fury as he dropped his robes quickly to hide his leg. Harry gulped.
  "I just wondered if I could have my book back."
  Harry left, before Snape could take anymore points from Gryffindor. He sprinted back upstairs.
~Philosopher's Stone, Ch. 11 "Quidditch"

I just watched the Philosopher's Stone earlier today, so I felt like doing a quote from the book. And it's too bad this scene wasn't included in the movie...

You know, when you're older and read this part, it sounds dirty at first. I mean...

Snape and Flich were inside, alone.

Wait, no...

Snape was holding his robes above his knees.


One of his legs was bloody and mangled.

Oh, phew. *immensely relieved*

And speaking of which, I must advise you never to read Snape/Filch fanfiction. Or better known as Snilch. It's worse than Snagrid.

Anyway, I also noticed that Snape uses the word 'Blasted.' That just seems like more of a British slang word that I wouldn't expect to hear Snape use. Can you imagine him saying "Blimey," or "mate"?

Rather than giving you my analysis on what Snape must be feeling during this scene, I've decided to give you an exerpt of my fanfiction (with which I am rewriting the entire series from Snape's point of view). This is the same scene from Snape's POV.

On the way [to the Headmaster's office], he passed the Staff Room door, which was open. Inside, he could hear the raspy voice of Argus Filch. As he stopped, Mrs. Norris, the red-eyed Maine Coon that patrolled the hallways and acted as Filch’s usual tip-off, appeared at the base of the door and sat there.
Without waiting for the Caretaker to open it for him, he limped inside the room, where Filch was bent over a table, and muttering angrily while writing something.
“Argus, why aren’t you speaking with Dumbledore?” he asked, startling him enough that it seemed he spilled ink on whatever he was writing. “Wasn’t Peeves just harassing the House Elves?”
Bending down to pet Mrs. Norris, Filch scowled worse, screwing up his already wrinkled face. “Dumbledore said I was ‘urging for Peeve’s expulsion so frequently’ that I have to start filing written complaints.” He then made sort of a whimpering sound, and returned to writing his complaint.
“I need a favor.” said Snape as he closed the door behind him and pulled his robes above his knees, showing his mangled leg. “Could you bandage this up, please?”
Filch gaped, frightened at the bloody mess he could hardly call a leg. Afraid to offend Snape, he hesitated before asking, “What happened to your leg? …I need to know what caused it to properly fix it,” he added hastily, just in case.
“Got bitten by a giant, three-headed dog…” The caretaker started to open his mouth for another question, but Snape answered it for him. “You can’t tell anyone. But you can do something about it, can’t you?”
“Oh—yes, yes I c-can.” he stammered, still disgusted at the bloody sight. Snape pulled a chair out and sat on it, keeping his robes above his knees. Filch fumbled for something at his belt, and pulled out a strangely shaped bottle. He squirted something clear from it onto a rag, and dabbed at the wound.
“What is that stuff? Are you sure you know what you’re doing?” Snape asked skeptically.
“It’s disinfectant. Not a potion—Muggles use it. But I can’t brew any potions… and it should work on bites. Saliva is saliva…”
His explanation didn’t really reassure Snape at all, and in fact made him feel like he was better off without attempting to heal it this way. But it was better than nothing. Wincing at the stinging pain the ‘disinfectant’ brought him at every dab, which was worse than the original throbbing, he tried to think of something else.
Vesperra would return to being happy with him after it was all done, so that would make the pain worth it… And he couldn’t kid himself; He couldn’t have gone on forever, just limping all the time. There was a good chance that the wound would get infected after a while, anyway. He might have died from an infection, but now he was getting it fixed and he’d be fine…
Before he knew it, the stinging was gone and Filch was wrapping a bandage around his lower leg. Coming out of his daze, his sense of pride was back.
“I think I can do this part myself…” he said curtly, but Filch showed no sign of being offended, and began to hand him bandages. As he wrapped each one around and tied it, he felt slight relief with his raw skin losing contact with air, and instead bound by the pressure of cloth.
“Blasted thing,” said Snape angrily, now feeling like venting some of the past day’s pain and frustration. “How are you supposed to keep your eyes on all three heads at once?”
Though he was rather angry at Dumbledore for allowing such a dangerous beast into Hogwarts, which surely could have killed him, he realized something quite relieving the moment he said these words. If it nearly killed me, what are the chances Quirrell could get past it? But then again, when he had first gotten in there, the beast wasn’t attacking him. So Quirrell actually has a lead…
His musings were interrupted by the slight creaking of the door and detected movement from his peripheral vision. Panicking, he whipped his head around, hearing his neck crack, and saw Potter standing in the doorway looking as though he were about to run away.
“POTTER!” Snape yelled, face twisted with more fury than he had felt in a long time, as he hurried to hide his leg.
The boy looked absolutely terrified. Oh, the Hell that would be wrought upon him later… but Snape’s heart pounded so hard in his chest that he could hardly focus on what punishment he’d give him—instead, it was intermingled hatred and fear that dominated him at that moment.
Apparently trying to appear innocent, Potter regained his confident look, and dared to speak. “I just wondered if I could have my book back.”
“GET OUT! OUT!” Potter’s eyes widened and he ran away, leaving Snape staring at the place where he had just been standing in pure hatred.
How DARE he? How dare that pompous little brat sneak around and spy on me, and have the nerve to ask for his book back? Not wanting to discuss it with Filch or stick around long enough to allow him to provoke a conversation, he hastened to finish bandaging the last of his exposed wound.
Without thanking Filch, he dropped his robes and started towards the door, but stopped just before reaching the doorway. Snape pulled out Potter’s book from within his robes with an evil smirk.
“Here, Argus. I know how much you love keeping things that students will never see again… Namely, Potter.” he growled, and Filch took the book from his outstretched hand with both a grateful and malicious smile. Nothing left to say, he retreated to his chambers.

If you're confused about who Vesperra is, then you haven't read my fanfiction. I suggest you do. Here, just in case: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6631189/1/Severus_Snape_and_Vesperra_DMonicas

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Snape Video of the Week #25

Snape/Hermione: Don't Stand So Close To Me/ Young Girl

I normally don't like fan videos of HP clips put to non-Wizard Rock songs, and especially not Snape/Hermione ones, but I absolutely love this. I loved this song before I knew what Harry Potter was, and back then, I didn't even know what it was about. If you don't know, the song 'Don't Stand So Close to Me' is about a girl with a crush on her teacher, and teacher feels super awkward about it. He doesn't want to confront her about it, but rumors start to go around the staff. I find it hilarious that I've found so many videos with Snape and Hermione for this song, since I legitimately believe Hermione had a crush on Snape.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Weekly Snape-ly Event #25

It's been a slow newsweek for Snape-related things. I do, however, have some Harry Potter news... though if you're a real fan, you'd already know it.

Pottermore has given out all 7 clues for the early registration... Congratulations to the 1 million people that got in. I didn't even try, because with my 2 RPs and fanfiction going on, I just don't have the time. I'm waiting until October, if I even use Pottermore at all.

Speaking of my fanfic, I suppose that this is Snape news: I have finished rewriting Chamber of Secrets from Snape's point of view, and have already posted the first chapter for Book 3. If you haven't yet read any of my fanfiction, here's the link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6631189/1/Severus_Snape_and_Vesperra_DMonicas

In other news, it's Katie Leung's birthday. She portrays Cho Chang in the films. I've always hated Cho Chang...

And best of all, DH2 won 7 awards at the Teen Choice Awards! Yes, seven. Coincidence? I think not.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Snape Picture of the Week #25

This is a diagram of Snape's brain, in case you didn't know. I just found this today, and I automatically felt very sad. It's the kind of picture that's so accurate that you don't know whether to laugh or cry. And then if you laugh, you're going to cry anyway because you feel bad for laughing.

But this is just so true that it hurts. Snape's mindset would be like, Lily Lily Lily Lily Guilt Lily Lily I-hate-that-bastard-that-stole-Lily Lily Lily Lily Go-to-bathroom Lily Must-keep-her-son-safe Lily Lily Lily Potions Lily Mentally-scarring-students... And I'm not going on with that. But he has Occlumency to push sad memories away, so he doesn't have to feel that pain all the time.

God, I just feel so freaking sorry for him. My heart just broke a little more after seeing this.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Snape Theory of the Week #4

Did Snape ever feel any real loyalty to either side of the war?
Before his past was revealed, there had been a lot of argument about whether Snape would ultimately turn out to be good or bad, but now that we know his past, some people (including me) would say that he was neither.

Yes, he was saving Harry's life the entire time. And yes, he would do anything to help bring the destruction of the man that killed Lily. But just because he was on the good side doesn't necessarily make him good. Now, he wasn't ever Voldemort's man, nor was he Dumbledore's man. I think it's clear that he was his own man, and he just chose to do the things that would help Dumbledore's cause. But not out of loyalty to Dumbledore--it was always out of loyalty to Lily.

And I don't think that, as a nineteen year-old man that became a Death Eater, he would have considered himself entirely bad, either. His entire life, all Snape wanted to do was power, and to fit in. In a world where he was teased and hated by everyone but Lily and the other Slytherins that were aspiring to be Death Eaters, it was the easy choice, because being a Death Eater would have given him both of those things. And he made the mistake of choosing what was easy instead of what was right, which he was pushed even further into by his corrupted childhood and interest in the Dark Arts.

But that's just my opinion. Others will say that Snape would only have ever left the Death Eaters for Lily, which would have made him 'evil' at some point if not always evil, and some will say that he would consider himself good ultimately, since he did everything for the Order and saved many lives. I would disagree with both of those groups of people.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Fanfiction Friday #25

This week, I have another Snape/Hermione fic. This is the first time in a while I've linked you guys to a story from Ashwinder... I normally don't read fanfiction that isn't from FF.net. The only other sites for fanfiction that I know are FictionAlley, Ashwinder, and Occlumency.

Anyway, it's called Bride of the Potions Professor, and it's quite famous, so you may have heard of it. And it's rated M for sexual situations, so I wouldn't recommend reading it if you share a computer.

It's an arranged marriage fic, and normally I hate those just as much as I hate MPreg fics, but I actually love this one. It's probably the most creative Arranged Marriage fic in existence. Obviously, it's AU, and there is Character Death. Since there's sexual situations in it, you'll need to get an Ashwinder account to read it, but it's worth it.

There's 40 chapters so far and they're relatively long chapters, so you should be kept in suspense for a while.

Come seek us where our voices sound
We cannot be read above the ground
Eternity you'll have to read
But first you have to click this link: http://ashwinder.sycophanthex.com/viewstory.php?sid=14050

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Snape Quote of the Week #24

  But whether James really did take off Snape's pants, Harry never found out. A hand had closed tight over his upper arm, closed with a pincerlike grip. Wincing, Harry looked around to see who had hold of him, and saw, with a thrill of horror, a fully grown, adult-sized Snape standing right beside him, white with rage.
  "Having fun?"
  Harry felt himself rising into the air. The summer's day evaporated around him, he was floating upward through icy blackness, Snape's hand still tight upon his upper arm. Then, with a swooping feeling as though he had turned head over heels in midair, his feet hit the stone floor of Snape's dungeon, and he was standing again beside the Pensieve on Snape's desk in the shadowy, present-day Potions master's study.
  "So," said Snape, gripping Harry's arm so tightly Harry's hand was starting to feel numb. "So... been enjoying yourself, Potter?"
  "N-no..." said Harry, trying to free his arm.
  It was scary: Snape's lips were shaking, his face was white, his teeth were bared.
  "Amusing man, your father, wasn't he?" said Snape, shaking Harry so hard that his glasses slipped down his nose.
  Snape threw Harry from him with all his might. Harry fell hard on the dungeon floor.
  "You will not tell anybody what you saw!" Snape bellowed.
  "No," said Harry. getting to his feet as far from Snape as he could. "No, of course I w--"
  "Get out, get out, I don't want to see you in this office ever again!"
~Order of the Phoenix, Ch. 28 "Snape's Worst Memory"

I can't even imagine how angry Snape is when he finds out that Harry has seen his worst memory. I mean, he never wanted Harry to know anything about him and Lily, and when he just looked at them, knowing Snape would have killed him for it... And once again, the movies downplayed his anger, just like they did at the end of HBP. However, Alan Rickman's face in that scene, when he grabs Harry by his robes and is all, "Get... out..." is just perfect. I feel so sorry for him.

And I love that Snape throws a jar at Harry after this. It really shows how even Snape can lose his cool at times, and made all of us realize just how angry he was.

Oh, and I just realized that Hogwarts is a place where it's okay to give students alcohol as well as physically abuse them. Awesome.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Snape Video of the Week #24

Butterbeer Experience- The Prince's Tale

So, this is definitely my favorite song by The Butterbeer Experience, and however cheesy this fan-made video is, I love it.

I think this song perfectly sums up the Prince's Tale- from both Lily and Severus's point of view. The first time I heard it, I broke down and cried. The next few times, I still cried. Eventually I got used to it, but I still get sad whenever I listen to it.

But this video doesn't have the entire song, and you HAVE to listen to the entire song. It's not on Youtube, but you can listen to it here, on Bandcamp: http://lenagabrielle.bandcamp.com/track/the-princes-tale

Oh, and Christian Caldera of Oliver Boyd and the Remembralls sings Severus's part. God, I love his voice.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Weekly Snape-ly Event #24

This is more of a Potter-ish event, but I know that Snape will have a big role in it. For those of you that participated in MiM, you'll probably already know this.

There is a new RP going on, sponsored by The Order of The Dark Lord. It's called Horcuxes and Hallows. It's too late to apply to be an Official, but you can always join in a bit late as an Unofficial. I wouldn't advise it, though, since you'll have missed a lot.

H&H is basically where everyone that died prior to or during the Final Battle has come back to life 22 years later. It's much more serious than MiM, and while it is for fun, there will be very little comic relief.

I'm an Official in it, and I already have several big scenes planned, one of them involving Snape. It's going to be epic.

You can check out the experience here: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Horcruxes-Hallows-HH/118013438288077?ref=ts

I know that there are some people that don't necessarily like to participate in the Role-playing, but will just like to read the threads and see what's going on.