Good Afternoon, sir. Might I ask for your name?
Rickman. Alan Rickman... And yours? *shakes hand*
Severus Snape. Having a nice day?
Why, yes. Say, you don't have any tea, do you?
Of course. Accio Tea!
Wow, I wish I could do that.
Well, it's hereditary. Speaking of which, you look a lot like me.
I don't see it. Maybe it's the hair...
But we definitely have the same nose.
You don't suppose the Rickmans and the Snapes are related?
It's possible. So, tell me about yourself.
I've led a tragic life for the most part... Hundreds of girls fawn over me constantly, but the one I actually fall for always rejects me.
That's so wierd, me too!
And I'm probably just going to die loveless, and in a horribly painful way.
I've always thought the same about myself.
Well, it was nice meeting you, Severus. *shakes hand again*
You too, Alan.