Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Snape Insults YOU #2

This week, I picked the obvious.

Snape insults Justin Bieber

"I understand, Miss Bieber, that yesterday was your birthday... however, no one cares. How old are you now... seven? I'm afraid- no, actually, I'm quite glad that you must take the Hogwarts Express back to fairyland, along with Diggory, as sparkling in the corridors is quite against the rules. Actually, perhaps you should take up residence in the Forbidden Forest... There are many fairies in there, Miss Bieber. *cough cough*and werewolves*cough cough* You might want to add a couple dragon testicles to that growth potion, Bieber. Your voice could use it. And what kind of haircut is that?! Why don't you let it grow out, so it can be like mine? *hair whip*"