Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Snape Insults YOU #15

Snape Insults Jacob Black

Mister Black, if you unceremoniously remove your shirt during class one more time, I will be forced to expel you. For the time being, fifty points from Gryffindor, and a week's detention, I think. I'd expect that you and Rebecca will be spending the rest of the Saturdays of the year harvesting flobberworms. A shame you had to turn out so much like your delinquent cousin, Sirius. And just as I discovered about him, Mister Black, it has come to my attention that you are, in fact, an unregistered Animagus. How original, too, the animal you transform into. I suppose it is also a coincidence that you have a certain fondness for the Muggle contraption known as motorcycles? Hardly. Twenty more points, simply because I don't like you.