Sunday, July 31, 2011

Snape Picture of the Week #24

I just can't get over how awesome this picture is. It's another one of those things where it's sexy, funny, and epic all at the same time.

There's been a lot of iPod Harry Potter things, and a fair few of them are Snape, but I think this is the best one that I've seen. I mean... just look at it! Even his silhouette is sexy. And since he looks sort of curvy, you know his robes are billowing. Billowing is always good.

And it's funny because of the position he's in... I can just imagine him waiting until Potions class was over, turning on his iPod, and just jamming out to some Three Day's Grace, playing air-guitar with his wand... and singing along to it.

Do I even have to explain why it's epic? Aside from everything else, it's very nicely done. It looks professional. I'd like to meet the person who created this.