Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Snape Insults YOU #5

Snape Insults Miley Cyrus It is my understanding, Miss Cyrus. that your previous attempts to "Party in the USA" were hopelessly fruitless, as the USA does not want you there. But must you come into our country as well? I, as well as the rest of the UK, would very much prefer you far, far away. Oh, I suppose you pride yourself on having a double-life? You think that makes you special? Well you're doing a dreadful job at it... I, on the hand, am a quadruple-agent. And your name... is stupid. Hannah Montana? I suppose that's "cool", is it? Not as cool as my name... Yours has a state in it... Mine's just plain awesome. I'm Severus Fucking Snape, bitch.