Saturday, April 2, 2011

How To Be Like Snape #7

Have Snape's Attitude and Personality

This will probably the last HTBLS, becuase I don't know where I could go from here.

We love Snape so much, we're willing to lose our friends and have everyone hate us if it means we get to act like him. Well, I would.

Assuming you read this blog everyday, you've read the 'Snape Insults YOU' posts. Severus loves to insult people. He's hateful, and the only person that he truly cares about(besides Lily) is himself. Always having the victim as a child, he loves to see the light of hapiness leave children's eyes and make them cry.

You don't necessarily have to be a loner, but it would good to limit yourself to a select group of friends. And they have to be just as mean as you, but they shouldn't be exactly like you... If at all possible, have one best friend that is the exact opposite of you and your other friends, but is nice to you nevertheless.

When speaking to anyone but your friends, speaking curtly and be sarcastic. Make snarky remarks whenever possible. You shouldn't directly insult people for no reason... Wait for them to talk to you, and whether they're trying to be nice or teasing you, retort with something really mean, yet simple. You shouldn't sound angry, but instead rather calm.

At this rate, everyone but your closest friends will hate you... And if you're a true Snape fan, this is a good thing.

Even though you can have a few freinds, you should still keep to yourself most of the time.

Combine these extra tips with the other 6 HTBLS posts, and I shouldn't be able to distinguish you from the real Snape! (I'm exaggerating, of course, because the real Snape is easily distinguishable.)

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