Friday, June 10, 2011

Fanfiction Friday #17

Guys, I'm finally out of school! Now I'll have nothing to keep me from writing my fanfiction and having HP movie marathons!

This week, I think I've become addicted to Fanfiction. I read enough Snape fics to give me a wide array of choices... And I read some stuff that I normally would never read. Just a bit of advice for you now that I know from experience: Never read Snape/Dumbledore. Ever. Unless you're into that sort of thing...

Anyway, I found a Snape/Ginny story and it's highly sexual. It was the first Snape/Ginny I've ever read, so I have nothing to compare it to, but I like the story as well as the pairing itself. I mean, don't you think it's likely that Snape noticed that Ginny was a lot like Lily? She has dark red hair, is inexplicably kind (yet quite ferocious when she needs to be), and a Gryffindor. Just like Lily, there's hardly anyone that doesn't like her or think she's pretty. And just like Lily, she has feelings for Potter. Sure, it's a different Potter, but to Snape, Ginny and Harry walking down the corridor together or snogging would look immensely like Lily and James. And I didn't mean to turn this into a theory rant, but I think J.K. Rowling did that on purpose.

So back to what we were talking about before... I think Snape might have liked Ginny. Or at least, favored her over the other Gryffindors. In this story, which is called Snape's Room in the Basement, their relationship is highly sexual. So if you're under 13, you might not want to read it... while your parents are home. And the first few chapters were meant to be one-shots and can stand alone, but it turned into a real story later on. The chapters aren't long, but there's about 35 of them.

You could call it AU, because there's some Canon events, and it even refers to Snape's love for Lily, but a lot of parts are changed. It takes place starting in the summer before Harry's sixth year, then to the Epilogue. Okay, I don't want to give away anymore.

The whole time you were reading that, the link has been hiding under the Invisibility Cloak! It found it a the base of the Whomping Willow...

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